The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

FEBRUARY 16, 1026. PART U. 18 TUESDAY MORNING. TO LET HOUSES TO LET HOI'S EN TO LET HOI'SES TO LET IXATS TO LET FLATS t'nfnrnlnheil hell fVO LET A P. HTMEXTt fJH I I.TA I'AUTM TATS WW TO LET FLATS Went and North weal 4 ROOMS mane East and Southeast Wct and Northwest Hollywood Eat and Southeast West and Xorthwst 7 2 story hous, 36 mo.

23 noil; wood t-ROOM flat. 813 K. 8th it. Pealr- E. 3.1RD 81.

CAP. ,1366, 8 1 bath, exoapt. well abundance of everything, V. Inrl. aaa Kirrtt, lint NKW, uniiaual Spunialt npnrj Adama atu.lio i-ailina llvlnr- tiopar aunnv.

nr. tlieater. tor, tu. abl. eonventent ligation.

4-1IM. house, 1 block east 6f Main, off ty 'MiHint Att. 47t Holly LI. ti9.ji3 rar. ata.

Ouiat rloaa In. hat. rholceat lot-. Adult. 1U8 FULLBR Wtatlak A Ambaaaador.

Adult. No Wcm and Xorthwest 39 I Just raintlKto, ieW occupied, flirt JVKLYN AMBASSADOR A I si Heart Atttbsidr nd 2 ilnhlref tltmrlrt. Beautiful singl Pt. Luxuriously furnished BARKER free rental Information bureau will help yuu to quickly find tli place you want at th prlc you want to pay. No obligation, TH LOWER A FIJUEttOA, Ditn at.

-Keasonaui rem. 37.S WOOD LA WN AVE. A till. 4509. TO LET HOFSKS- paia, vi are particular.

Inveitigata. J. 4F AJN C.IJLA TUJUl. 1. r.m?nl I BM, 3-ar garage.

Chlnea 4 KM. adulta, hand-dan. Iwama and walla, Srrplac. furna'-a. r.

Jti3t HJLlnhattan Jl. KM. "sil" KBNMORB NKAR AMRA.SAIOlt Front auwny alniclf a. rtvn. TO LET BUN OA LOWS I'nfurnlhhod.

$40 8IONTH Levely 3-r. and til bath. hower. auperb location, among millionaires' homes, Ifine view, garage. 3936 W.

K7TH ST. Drive out yr. Adams loJ lOthav RU TH 1 1 IE LE Nc6 UR 26 8-4 86TH PLACE. 4 room, nw, strictly modern, far-sgas, adulta. 840 A up.

near U.S.C. Kyjii8B.JipOVER. JJ ca 328, PALACE COURTS. 840 4-R. TIF.

FIN. NR. CARS. THTR 8TR. 940 $40 NEW atuccor4" A 6" la rms.

Adams car. blk. 8. $641 Marn ur nipinra overaturTed twin bed, Holly HI, A Orauman'e 840 mo, -a 61i 8T. 4 A 4-J1M, flat, Its and tfifi.

Beaut, atrlctly extra bad. eloaot: (25. 4 RM. atucco A extra South and Southwest NBW AMD MODBRJ4 KBW APARTMENTS RBAUTIFKL SINGLES. Raaiitiiully turniahail alnai apta tnrlud ltvlnarooni.

draaaine -room i Individual radio hlk. B. of 1 blk. E.

of Ver West and Northwest 10, ROOMS. Will rant tnr mnntha ttan .111811 ijfcg uNt I RIC. 4 3 RMS adnrahl bom" 7203 HAW-THORNK 3100. OR. IVii una Janitor i'V'i BKAI'Tiri'LLY film.

H. IB. inn lilifat. nk. A oatn, pit.

mont, nm nua, yellow, red 4. 1 Wlllowtyooh ava. pa. tit-lit.

th ttr P' rii reasonable. Must be cen 1 to 1 OA TO DOUR bed. 68th and Hooper, or pay few tlollara more aytd own this luiin Knapp Invest, T'o, (owners, k. 637 Bk. of Italy Bldg.

yA, 4U87. North and Northeast aarvka. i7 K. flMARRON ST- tor Very attractive Mexican home In Pf.erly Hill. Kxrellentty furn.

Don. hi ReL required. ME. 8320 rilAllMIXt'i 4rnu un, flat. paiTact baihrortm Including ahowar.

kitchen S-RM. leaut. (urn. Jap. aervlc.

OR. 41160. tlliO. xi AVE. "iit i i im.ic vi Ill bath klti'hen, gar.

Healthy loo, W. 83ND rT, Bediued i to 1(1. Owner, thr 10 to appointtnanta. al roruroria or nira 3-RM. modern duplex.

$30, (881 41,,, Hfiutlf.tliy furnished ilnuhtea ami and (lining alrova. nataa raaaonaui. NOHMANDIB ARMH APW. 4630 8. NormHndi.

t. A "''FTnk i'h liili COMPLKTB -rm UPpfP. rawly leeping pon-li, attract fura. 8U' N. Hiablandf OR, culeat niara In Hollywood 10 KM, atunnn.

8200, bxcl. Lafayette batha, 8 pch, 3 r. 76 t. 10 RM. tncl.

9 alp. nr, S.B.U. 9-IIM. "elegantly furn. w7lhlrr nrlv 4.

A'lltl'. 1 4 A 6-HM. new flata on (th A th av. nr. Ploo.

vrv mod. oonventanraa. aims Keenly ntsid service, ti0 fct tiorn rar bus JU3U 3 ntnf ton. 28TOUY, 7 -room houae, No tourlat. no children.

8065 HILL- f4 (-RM. aunny Hat. nr rara, pn II! 01 lLVD AT 1ST rent red. Inapectlon Invited lnjulr 1SI7 Mpruc 8t. Oneonta Park.

8. Pasadena. Key at 1307 Spruce at. sar. Adult.

1 II It A VK.6 "VO LET HOUSES- 1Ttr98n.iha4 Ovartiiffd, avary mod. ahow-ra. ftf rks. I ph. KANSAS ARMS 4315 Kinaa off Varmoqt at ITJFULLY FURN.

StSOt bom. 4 3 batha. billiard LKSIRARl.W flat, 4 or ataam 4 ROOMS. 3 bedroom, near car and A a a a ia. BRAND naw 4-rm.

Aata. aTnrio 3:15 MODERN 4 -roorn cottage, yard. Weatlaka Park dlst. Prl at gar, good transportation. fin rloa Admar.

Hi.iO liaat. II A tar S04 corotmofi. Hollywood arhool. 360. i 950 N.

van 3 RMS coay apt. In court, ex. bed 8r. I'l. I9M.


O. A. VR'KREYA 8. HILL ST. FREE RENfALlEKVTCe-W will gladly call for you and ahow you what wa hav.

carry on of the largest rental Hats in Los Angeles. ATTENTION. MV1. VVENK, VILSON, LACiCY A CO. OL.

44 90, 306 Western BESTV A LU 10 2 story home, Just north of Wilslilre, 6 3 bathsi sun library, futjiace, Ivory wood-wk. 2 car gar, only 81.35, CALL DU. 3il00 MISS RUSH OR MRS. WOOD LAACK AWlLLIAMSjh A Oxford WHY NOT 'PHONB'VOUR WANT-AD TO THE TIMES? NO CHARGE ACCOUNT NECESSARY AND COURTEOUS, EXPERIENCED AD-TAK-EKS, DAY AND NIGHT, Wll. HELP YOU WITH YOUR COPY IF DESIRED.

MEtropolltan 0700. I V1P1A UKANO APTH, 6an S. pONXlg BREA. Ph. 64303 00 iir, nuwa, noors, 4tt4 YORK RjtiVD.

$30 ON hualneas street. 4-rru. hom" 876 AX NAN DALE BLVD. r.r i av; 4-RM. lower HO, Wall iaa.

a moa, or. longer, refa Af'lmora. WA. 4238 or HE. '33 8-HM houaa, romul, furn 8-RtOM, t-batit, extra toilet eloa to Weatern A Wtlahlr.

Beaut. 4.RM. romplataly furn. Brand naw, 4tnd at MBMI BEAI'TIFI'U empiti tur. airtl and dnnhla IS5 MS.

a i vv it th i Nlo larae aunny front alntla. Ml W. 4TH, OKrKjOL West and, Northwest 18 RM. house, 4 batha, douhl garage. with room, Draperiea A portieres furnished for downstairs.

1903 8 HARVARD corner Washing. ton. Bultabls for roomer. Ouen 12:30 to 6. Oaa rank A beater, 140.

itO't 'foil- all hunt- ruaturea. Dana: Ili 60 4J It ernian Aaama itoovor. rar, phon. hlk. afihool.

blk. car ECEPTIONAt opoortunlty to rent 4-ItM. mod. lower, extra bad, ran ub. i 6C0.S.

1UT R4S1 TO LET fur. 3300 i 4.17.S0. weatlak dlat. in w. r.i.

CBNTRO. South and Southwest P.Kl tj MS wonderful horn on very reaaonable term on account of party leavlnr for Rurnpa, Houaa located In moai exchnlva aection of Hollywood, ha NICKLT furniahad, only t1ai cornar J. Bl'RLINGTON Count It 8 batha, 6-car carage. titry fa, ja, tv, a rms. brkfat nook, com It ana, ay 1 ib i.

FOR LEASE, suitable for club, prl new eouih expo, Id 4-RM, naw artlatlo, beda, Ph 4-Rf. naw flat, all lata rant reduced, free till March 1. Jl87 Iffi tar yard, flowara. rhll- wonderful view and grounua ann x- 's A. Mi In alfalfa.

4 rm. mod. nice house, 836. AX. 7545.

Nr Man. Ana. 1 1 1 4 ty i i nr. dran waicom. uzo B.

4 ai auim. quUlteiy furniahed. For appointment nanii Alt', call OLad. 9104. 4 KXTRA large rooma.

upper So. K- (-room grand piano, vry attractive. 8110 Mr. Mayer. "HELEW A HOIT PR.

4238. Wllahlre at Harvard. Open Sunday. 9-RM. fur.

house, nr Lo Angele HI Kchool, f'renahaw 31S. Ata. 78 Plft EMpIr P1I8. 8-RM, elegant completely 2 batha ex. nr.

arhool. 947 ELDKN. Ml, 8014 or WA. 1007 pun. to town, Vineyard rar.

Ad tilta, 1685 ARAPAHOE. BE. 726 OC'EAM VIEW, CAR Beautifully located newly rtiwilml. Mt; I'm hi. Mi MOW furnished am "hit l'at.

tra twd, garage, lis B. BartnUo, rQ LET TO LET APARTMENT t'nf itrtilaKnA owner, int. vatiti. HOLLYWOOD RENTALS 4-RM, mod. A tar.

Th beet for the! 3-RM flat, aaraka. watar A Haht fur- ni aha djA pply T4TH. rliRN7 flaL 3 bad. Phon. low rani.

1036 tT STl'N0J0 "urnT (laVr jTadX" tllrth, tarn' "a 8' MiLL" North and NoMheant vata school, board In or rooming-house, on beautiful SOUTH MAN- HATTA NPLA E. 16 25.,. 11 ROOMS, bath. Booond A Western 8200 6-rooin, 3 bedrooma. Windsor Si.

8110. Mrs. Meyer, CHELEW A HOIT Wilshire at Harvard. OR. 4288., Opan Sunday.

PR. Off. 10 ROOMS. 3 baFhs. double gars.

3136. Near Wilshlra Blvd. Phone WA. 238 3, FIND what you want and OLKNDAl.W Miscellaneous money in in city, pear n.u.u.c Adulta ei; ly. 1 1 0J N.

BBRENDO. Ink I'rk. a team heat, tsrttnr. ib UP. Davenport, 721 WE3TLAK.E Th Barhara Worth la now onan fnr lnptinn.

Iarae and 4-room 4-RM. new flat, with NEW S-storv house. 3 BR. New Windsor Squar aection. Children aorxiited.

$126 a mo, 138 N. LARCH MO NT BLVD. GR. 0362. batha, rloa Wllahlr Club.

aav you th worry of house-hunting Our Hat la complete, all alzea. all price phon your wanta to MRS, BERESFORD. J. L. OLBEN COMPANY 8718 Hollywood Blvd.

HE. 3181. up, us. jvow. 6o.

jni London, nr Rampart Blvd. OR. tltllpO. tt unftirnlahad apartmania with livma moma )SS0 and ioiIO. Lara Hon ata.

Haaullfiil hraakfaat rooma uppar, romplateh" furnlahad. Adult 3J.60 4.14 7 Lo Felia bom, new atucco. Beaut, Chlnea ruga, grand mt BALD' Victrola, garata. 13b. 4-RM.

haw, hlgh-laa. til bath. fur. FROM GARRET TO CELLAR IN ONE rAY. Window, woodwork cleaned.



BEAUTIFUL LOCATION, i rbt, pt.J bed. attraotlvy fur. PEaI'TIEI'LITy" Kl'RN. CORNER HLSTON ARMS na a. nreniar elri rloae In WIN flours waxed, run shampooed.

"THB 150. 1442 Laveta Ter, MK. III. la without douht ona ot tna mom tutlfnlly darnratad aoartraent piano, t'atio, hkrst. rm.

3 hathi HE. tM Jor annt.a ACME lx.l0. 4-RM. lowar, romplataly furnlahad. piano, g-arag.

t40. B.113 BALDWIN 4" KXTRA. larg elegant aunny luilMirifffl In fiontharn rtalttornl. FREE LOS ANOFLES CITY MAP 7-RM. heaut, furn.

bungalow, new HOLLYWOOD RENTALS Furnished Unfurnished Call Mlaa Havhurat Mrs. Field THE FRANK MELINB COMPANY. f777 Hollywood Blvd. HOIly. 0781.

furn plapo. Fin lnratlon, 1 blk. to Desirable 4-room apt. with regular rloa nn rea, aaction. Adult.

Qr. 8. HA RVAWD. i8t4. olaan.

tinfurn. flat, ar reen MAIl.KO i tj A.M AUUMBiaO. BEKINS VAN A STORAGE CO. 13.15 8. F1GUEHOA.

WE. 4141. rar. t.g. 11 v.

rm. din. a heau. Ovarlookln OIndl Orlfftth Park to th aouth; San Farnandn Vallay to th want Varduao Hill to lha north and El Hock and the in, auia. TO LET FLATS bkfat.

tile bath. 10 4 Ig. sip. new decorated, good loc, 749 9. KINQSLET DR.

OA. 7113. 9 ROOJI8. baths, corner stuoco house. Exoluslv dlatrjct, 8226, f-room Spanish stucco bungalow.

Hancock Park. Beautiful drapes A as rang, $160. Call MRS. HOWARD A BOSWELL 8461 W. 8th at.

DUnklrk 1846. MRS I'lPD Tnfiivnlatiad 14-RM. house, 2706 Wllshir Blvd pon'h. tlto. call paornlnt 1 D.y dbl.

gar. 0 3th ave. Ph. 789834. BEAUT, 2 story residence.

6 8807 W. CTH 1 110 TF.H pk. strictly tnodfrn pH' tnnnm. two Mnrku Wtlk Prk, biwiil mmithly rt. 140 ATTv ST.

HOLLYWOOD RENTAL 4-RM. mod. fit 3 wall heda. 137.80, mountain to th aaat. fiA tumm anartmaM 7-RM.

mod. hlllald home. alp. -t)U. ZS10 H.

MltlMANDIK. piano, 3 rea nren workrm. your needs, B3S1 HOLLYWOOD hnniaa today. Rantala t4S.60.lo 176 Overlooking Erho Park A Anaelua 4-Rm. attr.

upper So. blk. Amb- West and Northwest 7-RM. unfurniahod flat for rant. 923'a MOPE anulli uppr.

Thon OWNKR. TR. i newly decorated. Highest Class real, dential district In town. 130 VV.

20TH. Phone 7 606 4 FREE RENTALUST $76 TO $1000. HOWARD A BOB WELL 8461 W. 6th at. DUn.

1845. Temple. 1048 Launa 8618 1 DORA jrijjsi lttlM. mon. rtt.

Nf par month. THB RARBARA WORTH Cornar Dr.vdan A Loul Olandala. 9 attractively A com 4 ROOMS, m. 8008 MICLROSB AVE. 9 8 hsths, 4011 Wllahlre nr.

7-4 R.MS,. Jual ultra mod. Tea nr, weatern. weatern. 3175.

Can us for business pletely furniahed wnanir nunga-low. Chlneaa ruaa. Phono PCnklrk 1S48. 4-RM. lower flat, M5 mo.

Adulta. Bun CUIdan. roi. 111 nam, raiinafi otai. Tiaaa.

gar, 864 sunaois lor tea room, furniture, curio, or boarding-house. Low rent to good tenant. Call EDGAR D. SIOAT, 139 N. Larchmont Blvd.

OR. 0353. Stores and Shops, STORE near 7tb st. on Hop, 18 ft. 125.

Ceiling sufficient for mezzanine. Rear light court. Reasonable rent. In a beautiful artlatlo building located well within th down town hopplng dltrict A directly In th trend of rapid growth. Suitable tor an exclusive Be MARRY O.

HENLEY, exclusive $16016 four baths, excellent 9 9 bath, aleeping gar., ins. so. can tor ao- polntment. HOIlv.

7806. HOLLYWOOD RENTALS Complota ltat of furn. and un-furn. Mra, Welch. JAMES D.

RIDDELL CO. 6609 HOLLY.BIVD. OR. 8470. TOLLVWOOD RENTALS-'" Furnished or unfurnished.

At your aervlce. Mrs. Banoweta. O'CONNOR A CO. 6606 Sunset Blvd.

ny room; isrow. FT. Keas. 6712 'j Buaaet Hollywd. RM.

U-auHful mod. ouib flat, bat 7-RM. nicely furniahed 3 hd 4-RM. lower flat, modern, So. expoa- rental section.

Just aouth L. A. High School, closo to Pico, newly decora-ted TR. 8201. Rolahw 8-ROOM larg family house.

$85. Re- Cth and vtianira, uina. irnm aio-haaaador Hotal. unit hat and Inoln- ure oar. Rea a.

rent, tstetl. oreanrast nooK, wn-ahlr Blk. olt Beverly. 189782 4-RM. lower, almoat new.

garage. 851 FOR LEASE Beaut. 8 rm. 4 finished. close tn Weauake.

375. eecuied Was. $19 PARKVIEW ST. FI. 0918; 7-RM.

secluded, furn. for 8: bla norms. ara and Aramore, rent 8126 EDWARD OLSEN, Tllcker 2248. rden, Nr, 1 4 1 at achool, 76.1913, 8-RM, 2-story home, beautiful view, 1 7-RM. houae, 4 bedrma good loo.

OOI NCI to Europe, will rent mv beaut. $75 UP. 6 beau. hr. rms.

A re 847 N. 1RV1NO. BLVD. 893-84. 4-RM.

upper, dlaap. bed, elih gajr. 18 1 9 W. 23rd. 8 ItN 4 I heda.

newtv dec Dreaalng rm. Gar. 360. 1403 arator. antra maid a room and bath below.

1160 par mo, Liberal ronoea-alona to daairabla tenant on year Jaa ae. hon WH, 74. 4-RM beaut, new upper. BO. 3 2 moat modern, fine lorailon.



eth at. tar A Wll.h. bua, MARIPOSA GARDBNS. TO S. MARIPOSA.

tlon, 219 W. 24 TH ST. Open 10-4. oep. rm.

gas fur, til gar. 1337 agent. 818 Brockman ldg.TR. 63 2 8 blk. so tone, Hollywood car, call bet.

2 and 5 p.m. $80 mo. 1021 ANZANITA ST. furn. home.

cent, loo No ata, OK. 7802; HO. 1 277. 8-RM. buncalnw, 3 bed.

Pico A 18th "rt. lYtm. Hal ca rs. BEAUTIFUL furn. HOME.

ex. large $75, LOW. Wllahlr rllBtc. 6 1. 8-KM.

hous. 1931 Morgan PI. 3 blks. ATl.i.idor. 808 S.

NEW HAMP- HIRK. 140 HOBAUT A (MS M5 HOLLTWOCiD NEW Dt'ILPINI 0prluftt furn. Ip-to-rtnio, a i T1SN. HOBART. 188 60 FRONT "PUNNTT icrlrte.

Itaa fro. MONTA1.VO APTS. Kl kt: v. 7ih. MkW.rf Klfutoa.

AI.HAMBRA APTS. mod. in and lights, 40. 213 N. QPIKT SPNXy alnt1 for rflfid po -3 r) 8 blwka from 7th rifuaroa.

IXOP.AHAMf!T, LA ASA. KSS. OXFORD. livly inlp. 4i and tin.

Inrl. fihona. Hahia and A RTKORD "TERR a'ck" A PTS. im. atram liaf.

i 3 sU yuras. Wjj F4T.6O. 144 N. Nw Hampaiiir. HAMPSHIRE ARMR APTS.

1 front.) Very deslrabla. MOR LAND" ARM9A PTS. TH ANT VVESTMOREI.AXD, But. lnjl dnubl. Fl.

4tl. H. nook, ttar Mr car, leaa 385. Kay 8203 W. Waah-Ington, Alao have 7-rm.

bung, for 4 mo. leaae. lirand piano, etc. Ph. KM.

808O living 3 natna, a 1)1. as rage. OX. 9861. OL.

408. I.AROK rooma at 4S2 S. Weatern 1163 Ilarcourt. WH, 6 2 3 4 w. or western ave.

vs dik. n. or Franklin. Larga lot with many fruit trees. $160 mo.

PhonWH. 7445. DWNER'B cor. bung, home, 7 rma. corner bungalow, 17th 8 new atucco, mod.

Handsomely bartrooina, 2 Iliad hatha, rase, Janitor aerviea, open, OWNKR. BR. Sttt. Re. JIB, 2807.

8-RM. tung. Modern conv. Very at Rent to reapons. family.

1 blk. 80. Franklin. 1782 Tamarind, cor. Yucca A Norton.

4 rooms, and lge. bkft. nook, 2 Uar. UN. 4-R.

mod. ex. oed, atorage, adulta, 4832Mi pakwood PL. Iil88. -Rf.

upper now. 8r, 438H 8, NORTON. 8-RMTi'ower, aink A bath. 338. 1620 ALVARADO.

DR. 3814. tRM. new, upper, xtr bed, beater, 4068 OAKWOOD. nr.

car. 3 RMS. and bath, lower, 111S S. CMOS AVE. Clpa In.

3B. tract, wear scnooi car lines. 317 8. KINOSLEY DR. WA.0687.

furn. owner a home. uri. larae yard, Call Monday. 1142 VICTORIA AVE.

8100. 4-RM. ao. 1 bathe, ar. Open 0 to S.

FOR living quarters. MOORE RENTAt, A BLOCK of stores. 8.E. corner 48th at. and Van Neaa av.

Good for drug store, publlo market or any other line of business. Very low rent. Pee owner on premise or phona Aln 3299. 3 STORES, 16x39, $50 each. Corner tore 28x84.

$125. Huntington Park. New brick bldg. 16 apta. abov.

Cor-ner Sevlll A Irvlngton, Phon AL- HAM BRA 8706-J-2, TRANSFER CORNER Market and stor. N.W. cor. ueroa and Vernon. Make offer on leas.

R. PIDDOCK, 810 S. Spring. TTT. 3983.

HOLLYWOOD Rentals, 1652 N. Serrano. HE. 7J46. MR.

BROWNE. 100. 1,01 B. MANHATTAN, WA. 414 Btack Bldg.

TU, 6903 8.ROOM atucco In fineet realdentlal hdw. floors. 6 $60. 6 rm. up.

fiat. Alcova, gar. $50. FL 2886. THE TALMADOE tlnfnrn.

4-ronm Haaad for two and on-half -ara at 1226 par month: will nhlaa for i 1 6 Call WR. PHILLIPS. 8-BM. upper duplex, everythinr mod OWNER'S beautiful HOLLYWOOD Hollywood dlatrlct: douht garage. Ill tsuum ARDEN BLVD.

8-RM. 2-story house, large lot. 875, 10 6 8 BATHS. OAR 9-ROOM beaut, furn home, near Orau- CASSANDRA APT3. near 3303 WASH.

EM. 6060. noma, perfectly nrpolnted. Exo. loca.

Reaa. No agta. OR. 5403. OR.

6625. South and Southwest KNACK. liVST. HKATEU. 1922 K.W.

COR. 4TH A NBW HAMPBHIRS JP.C.a-,-QtM.U tso. or Biya. xriuiv weatlak rttat. JS6, on lea.ril3 S.

CORONADO, JDPL 1780, rRMsTTbfk." sunny, lower dup. 1118 WALBRIDGE. WH, Sejf4. TAH UWKEK, OA. 6251, 8-RM.

Swlsa chalet. 4 fur HOCSE. OAR 860. 8-RM. FT'RN 6 A 8 -room upper (lata, 3 batha each, nace.

885. S403" EST BLVD. TlUC HKNRT BOULKT 828 Weatern av. DUnklrk 4400, 8-R. mod.

home. Holly. $90. 6800 H.r- SEE MRS. BOLLS AT.

2080. eletr. piano, firepl. 4 7 ROOMS, CORNER clos in. Can HILL, 406 S.

Opposil new Pac. Elec. Andrews. HE.7391 -RM. 1601 McCsdden.

cor. All rooma opening onto haautlful patio gardena. Attractively priced to permanent people. CALL DU. 3800 or AX, 8103 3-RM.

upper hot water, heat. 820 a. Weatmoreland. DU. 3878.

gar. nr. Manual Arts. cars. 1214 V.

NEAR8ANf AMONH'A "A VERMONT 8-RM. 2 absolutely near Ambaaandor. V. M- Runkle, 2982 1 Vi, Pico. EM.

0838 Sunet, nr. hi achool. $116. GR. 2902 rati on leas at Q.

Business location. HENRY O. KROHN 809 B. Vermont. DU.

S600. 7-RM. newly dec, piano. Can M1B8 HUSH OR MRS. WOOD 3-RM.

car. upper A lower. 8 nr. bua. 817 8.

Hobart, WA. 8488 4:2 8e far yellow car. New don-hia L-nnalatliiC ot large Hung pungaiow, on Franklin, near t. air-it a nn 1 uua a n.hnt 1 5 A aleen. my attract.

SUPlat, 040 W. 43.ND PL. A 3487. Miunurat, $7f. OI2f3f.

norn, ovaini. ininsrq, ore- clean, furnished house. Wilton room with wll bed. Large Wllahlra, 8 bath, tar, 7-RM. new stucco res.

3 own NEAT CLEAN AND CP TO DATE place, gnrate. 328 S. Benton Way. ROOMS A bath. 8125 nor month.

Janitor, open 464 8, BERKNDO. rugs, 8 bedrma. lawn cared for, adults. 180. 4352 S.

OLIVE. 6-RM. cot tare, live at beach and save Normandy house In charming garden among sycamore tree. Fire- er a own home. $115, nr.

Lafayette Pk. Also large 6-rm. flat, Weet Adam dlst. at 950. Phone BOWMAN at TU.

2948 or 762232. 6-7 RMfl-. new, Flneat In city, bar none. Adulta. 1636 8.

St. Andrew money. Ph. owner. DR.

7348. cltv, and kitchen with dining pace. Only 40Ayt quick. Wan't FREE riit' to March let. 2 ainale apartment a now reduced to 825 A 8S0.

1910 W. 48TH ST. For Inform. 8 LARGE iraraire, $65. 4281 Place, patio and fountain.


WALKING DISTANCE. ALL CONVENIENCES. 863 W. 8TH ST. 4-ROOM bungalow, bandaomely 8 OR B-rm.

A porch, Wllahlr corner JKUUMLAND AVE. Phon GR. 8379. HALI.DALE AVE. I'h.

VB. 6666 or TH. 6686. tile nam ina, pnone in. extra 7-ROOM beautiful new bungalow, Wll meal location.

6 0 11 Hobart tor lease, sior. suitable kodak, cutlery, art, anything, long lease reas. rent. MARKET end lOo car stop and the-ater. Meat, groc, delicatessen and Fixtures Installed.

AX. 7824 ...9046 SANTA MONICA BLVD. A GOOD location for a drug stor and market, a terminal of 2 oar lines, where thousand of people walk by dally. WH. 4314 from 9 to 18, NOW ready.

2000 to 2006 8. Main Desirable 20-f t. stores, varying depths. Renta $80 to $125. Open for Inspection.

FOR DRUG STORE New building. Ideal location. 1103 Central av. Will eacrlfica rent for the 1st year. MU.

0939. 6-RM. unfurn. bungalow, 3 KKW tiunlern larna amaloa, Finaat indlum prird apartment In rlly. GBA.MIIP.CY.

692. IsTew larta apt, at ronai1a rata. t.ENORK APARTMENTS. C1 POVTJt VKSTMOPELAND OARDENB. itm thing dlffrent In furn.

mod. prlcoa. Beat Inc. Mil 3. Waal' land.

iia.ta.m hoated. porohaa. nr. Waat-' laka ti Tth. Raflned paopla only.

li6H Brae, filtexal 6900. tVlfsi MORE LAND TRM9 APffl. HTM AND WESTMORELAND, aailt. intla A douhlaa. PI.

46S1 jcirfTNEw" DESIRABLE APTS. AT PLPIXBD BENT. 1(114 SUNSKT NEAR ECHO, PARK A VS. ELLiiANT LY furn, aria. nrl dhle, llif 150 to tlOO a.

i49 t)u pi'HLINGTON. Call 76840. bed, every convenienc. Cloa tn car. 8816 86TH ST.

corner 4th v. 8-RM. upwor. 6-rm. lower.

1038-44 garage, pnone, janitor service. 8100 SUNSET BLVD. 340. 3 A 4-room new ft moo- Grand VJ.w. 782402.

ME. 8275. ahlre dlst. tiplendld drape. Amoloo grand piano, double garage, well-kept grounds, rent or lease.

WH. 2314. 6 RMS. til bath, sink, hdwd. nr.

Main. Adulta. $40. 209 B. 64 5-RM.

mod. duplex, piano, well furn. gar. $60. 637 W.

62ND PI 4 R. lp. pch. close In, dbl. 3 bda.

147 8-RM. upper So. Nr. car. 1917 6-RM.

3 suit, for ern. in Kiiitii vii.i.a, at Vermont, convenient i car llnea. UN, 6618. Araphoe.Ky 19J6V4. VE.

.0846. BU. 3mL CE.NTKO. HO. 7030.


27tn, 46, pag. sp. 3 1 beds, very coay, $35. 127 W. 27th.

4-RM sunny aide, dnuhla, nicely High ground, tiled bath, auto btr. Oarage, EMpIr 494L new, $60, 924 N. Van Ness. NEW finest lit 3 mllea. Oarnge.

FOR rent, beautiful Jiew 4-rm. flat, only 870 Inc. far. 8am nice furniture for aale. Pav you to It.

1 AVJ; LARGE 4-R. FLAT. (Tel lnatailed.) Rent only 8B0, Open to inapect. 1328 B.W.EHTERN AVg. 827.

140 RENT redursd, beautiful 4-fm. mod. upper, aunny, nr. 2 car. Cloae In.

492 N. Beaudry, nr. Sunaet Blvd. 5 KM 8., my lovely mod. horn, nook, completely furn.

Overstuffed: blk. car A school. 865 mo. Will leas 13 NACE. 668 SO.

HOBART. WA. 0978 Near school, car. Owner, WA. 76 7 5 4 furnace, zoa.

B. ALEXANDRIA. 8 blk. from Ambassador. WH.

3483. 3840 liAIiUJX nan uiooa aotith Weet Adam. KM. ..201. 5 new.

sunny, duplex, gar. 1627 mo. with option to buy. AH rent 4 RM. 2 beda, 137.60.

For X'. HKtANSON. HO. 6543. FRONT alnat.

til bath, ahnwar. coay 7-RM. very select, 3 bedrooms. FIVE LARGE ROOM NEW PPANISH FLAT S633 8. MANHATTAN PL, Thl 1 without nouht the moat heau credited on purcnase.

S8l7ii w. 64TH ST. VE, 6449, appt. call EM. 8313.

6-RM. stucco. Fairfax district. $70 mo. kltch.

a range, nr. vviian. A Hoover. 8 car.JtVA.29 27.. rwai nome, car lines, nouns oniy, 270 S.

Uramercy PI, WA. Acents solicited. HE. 0357. 4 tile sink, 4 linen rm.

and '4 dbl. SPACE In beauty parlor for psrms-nent waving, established business, MB. 1948 or call 812 PERSHING SQUARE 448 8, Hill. UPPER half duplex. 7 rooms, Olendale phone.

41s N. wkkkanu. 2316 W. 12TH TOR. OF KLDEN.

newly dec. 633 W. 62ND PL 6-RM. stucco 67.60. newly dec.

7-ROOM bungalow. 801 S. Cltru with fiful and flneat appointed flat In the city, combining- th old Spanish with the lateat modern feature. Artta- Uarageeas Lexington. 690-390.

3 $35. bath, extra bed. eureen ROBIRTTAW. TR. 3201.

8 A 4 IT IU UATW Anci, drapery and Amplco piano. $175. WH. 2314. 4-RM.

EXCEPTIONAL. COR. STORE for rent, or lease, suitable for tires A accessories A greaaa rack. porch. Hardwood Boors.

601 W. 74TH ST. NEW. modern four room with garage FINK 8-rm. aunny apt.

In Wllahlr dbl, Tiffany fin. tile bath, show tmaiiy decorated throughout, auto, gaa furnace, real fireplace, all tiled. 7 RM. duplex. Is.

Ilv. din. 8 ROOMS, furniahed, double beds, overstuffed. 1 hlk. So.

of Adama, i blk. W. of Vermont. Keas. rent.

1433 DANA ST. BE. 6989. 8-ROOM bungalow, 332.60, by the month, or $37.60 on a lease. 2614H WEST 17TH ST.

MAln 1278. Ti sun. Finance TR. 4873 er, bkfst. Indry.

latest $35 -H DBLE. bunsr. at Manhattan bill top location, rea. rent. Thon atove ana rcrnerior turn.

207 s-l L2 ERENDO. WA, 8147. Flvo minutea to downtown. Only 840. Near Flrat and Beaudry, 1118 W.

TOP. PAINT OR FENDER SHOf. nana bk. a i baths, serv. 1440 Victoria ave.

OWNER 7673S5. HIGH new elnglea, nr. built-in ex. bed, gar. If des.

1 blk. Fairfax cars and stores. 2 blks. gr, schl. $40 up.


DU. Beach. 203 MANHATTAN L. A. Telephone L.

A. PETER PON, TR. 0268; $46. 3713 W. 9 at.

Nr. Ver. Lower 8 6-RM. SPECIAL RKOnCTIIIM 7 R. 4 Ig.

yd. flower, no agts. 924 S. ARDMORE. WA.

8276 Venice Blvd. 1437 on brand new, flneat built, deco drea. nice front, tile, 3, dressing 3 hit-ln beda, gar. A storerm. 86 extra, FOR rent, store, 4869 Hollv.

VRNDOME TERRACE APTS. 344 S. T-H-E V-A-L-I-N-B-I-L-T 8116. 2 beds. 2 bathwsys.

Very rood 3 A cars. I7i mi w. zi at. 4 LGE. very handsome, dble.

7-RM. m-story cottage, cor, lot. dbl. gar. 1S01 W.

22nd. PIT. 14.78. Vendom at Hoover, no. cor.

act. rated and located flat In city. Unit i heatlna ayatem, tile kitchen and bath, hand decorated walla. Uar- KLWLY furn. Kl, walk, r.

nittw. 450 3. Wltrew. PR, 4878 SkrTIIrUL amall aunny etM-mton-allv roav apt, 419 B. Bonnie Brae.

jfOINt hue. man to ahare West laic Apt. FREKMAN, 108 Boynton Apt. ONLY IJ8N1riy turn. fortwo, 8211 WKST WASHINGTON BLVD.

830 CP. CYPRRSS AfTk, 2504 1-toojerMod eglaJblaJBJSO fiirntafieii 2 S-ronm 82" DP 1202 MAONOLU AVE, ATTRAC. S-rtri. aiihlet. Tfalton A rma.

AT. 7T12, for partirular. WILHhTrB dlat Hot. 3 rooma. new 1(10 j-.) 1 p'iNE 201 3 8F1oWr.

Moi acl 1 m. H. Mlrri. fs8-t. b'yRAM W.

4881. Nbly turn, ant. Byrani at. MODERN 6-room upper and lowar nmith flat. 870.

STEAM HEAT. 4-room, Janitor erv. 1849 Rodeo Rd. ad.l. Exoo.

A Westn. 836 NICEijY furniahed sunny Spanish hand dec, tile bath, nook, wall bed dress, gar. yard. 831 N. FOINBET-TIA.

HE. 6669. 6-RM. mod. stucco duplex, 3 bedrma.

928 s. wtaniuithWM. u.ii4 ROB18HAW, TRInlty820JL nr vet. Fin loc. luw rent.

OL, 3 08, TORE A living quar. Reas. rent. Beauty par3 yr. 2428JHOOVER "SHOE REPAIR.

RADIO. TaiWr" Fine location, long lease, low rent. Open for inspection. 4 1 9 W. 8TH.

garage, modern, laundry travs. 1397 STRICTLY mod, 330. 2 A 3 car Til bath, nook, garage. This Ig Al. 1013 S.

Oxford. DU. 9381. VA. 7103 W.

38TH ST. 10 to 4, TO LET High class modern Mat In select neighborhood, nr, Wilslilre PI. 2913 SUNSET PL. Ph. WA.

8626. Nr. Vermont. iao atiti or. 4-RM.

house, good loc, nice NEAK AMRASSADOR HOTEL J-atory English home. 10 4 3 maids' 3 baths, sleeping porch, oriental rugs, grand piano, gas furnace. Wonderful value at only 8360. CALL DU. 8300.

MISS RUHH OR MRS. WOOD, T.AACK A WILLIAMS, 6th A Oxford 6-RM. DUPLEX, LGE. RMS. 5 an ft with atovea.

nr. 4 aa. n. alARIrOBA. 6-ROOM very niodern upper flat, cloae In, walking diatanoe from Waailaka Park, a rage, with ervanta' ouar-ter above, 36, 294 S.

CORONADO. A.70fi2. 5-RM. attractive homelike flat. nr.

Forum Theater, batli ahowcr. hot yard. Adults. 1 331 N. KINGSLEY, rear.

HE. 8353. car llnea, 316. 820. 148 36TH East and Southeast 4-RM.

cottage, bedrm built-in bed BRICK store 50 ft. long. Rent S5 4t-MOPRRN DOl'BLE, CONT. hot 4 ROOMS. rear, partly furnished.


1023 8. CITRUS. WH, 1063. 6 3 lawn cared for. water paid, $90 mo.

(01 SO. NORTON. garage. 451 K. 48TI1 bt.

mo. tiooq iur any bus ness. 2987 W. PICO. water.

42 w. t-u 1682 Mi N. NORMANDIE. 4 dhl. stucco, til hath A 3ft 4 nicely bums.

Adults 2233 TRINITY ST. FRONT half store, good for mfg. water, apeclal rate to per WINDSOR SQUARE Owner's home of 10 rooms. 4 Sink. BS3 LAS ALMAS.

A A. a lit M. TO LET FLATS real estate om c. on busy west 18th st, 830. BE.

8286. manent. 10181 6TI1 AVE. EM 9709. 6-ROOM modern bungalow.

4845 ELM-WOOD blks. W. of West- $22.60 SMALL house. 3 rms. bath maid's 9 baths, twin A- l-iirniahed 4-RM.

sunny mod. In garden: gVlKT A I CARS! 3 bdrms. 40. ii64" ern, 3 blks. N.

of Beverly Blvd. RENT only 125 for store. 16x60. suit. 6 R.MH..

uppor south, mahogany fln-lh. Beautiful new building. LA. Wewt and Northwest lurpisneq. rj.

nuin ox. North and Northeast S. K1NOSLKT PR. 8S8. fomplate- 165 MD.

lge til gar. 1264 8. PLYMOUTH. WH. 3894.

Nr. JP car. CORNER OF COUNTRY CLUB DR. 6-rm. upper or lower duplex, $110.

ar- 963 8. Sycamore. WH. 1343. ft IN.

NY 6-room close In. attractive, new ranee and linoleum. BE. 488 -MLJ iLLJlJIJ UPPhTk half dupTex. 7 rooms, Olendale Elvd.

$36. RQblshaw, TR. 8201. Hollywood BEDR. NEWLY DEC, OAR, PH.

3 BLKS. N. HOLLY. -LVD. 1849 N.

WILCOX. 396. HE. 0691. 3-RM.

mod. 1 1 x. able ror LiUHT'MFli. inquire 1353 B. HOOVER.

EM. 8272. beds, Orand piano, mahogany furniture, g-csr garage. Lease at- $300. CALL DU.

3800. MISS RUSH OR MRS. WOOD. LAACK A WILLIAMS, 6th-Oxford, 6-RM. house In rear, $36.

Water pd. Grand A cars. 119 W. 24TH. tv mc, pnona, tnnry.

7-RM. dup. upper on Heliotrop High dlatrlct, near bus, stores, grade bed, gas range, every convenience, ft gar. 1362 Sycamore av. HO.

6J3J 8 LGE. rms. unfurn. If preferred. One STORE 22x80 7964 Santa Monica 6 lge.

Ilv. 3 ernoot. Rent rciitired, WH. 74.30. LOE.

sun. rnia. A gar. 340. New 8-RM.

new. good loo. Blvd. 2j blks. west or j-airrax.

jor, mo. Ph. OWNER. GR. 7077.

OH AND VIEW flats. 4666 Venice Adults. 14 07 N. ALE ANURIA. bdrms.

Ig63'fr iV. 26TH ST. 6 8 blk. WestTttke pii, 2310 OCEAN VIEW. Fine too.

I'll, 4 ft MS, WllahTra beat. Elegantly fur. flat, oriental ruga, baby arand til-ano, ahort leaa. Muaf leave immediately, anap to adulta. 228 b.

CATAHNA. WA. 9940. or the most desirable corners on Huntlngfton 2 le. balconies.

Suitable for high class restaurant or tea rm. Large lot, flowers, trees, shrubbery. 6605 HUNTINGTON DR. MODERN store, good for any business Va dbl. 835.

nr. A red 1 blk, from Vineyard or Pico cars and LafayeU Rq. WH. 6709. 6633 Pasadena v.

OA. liaa. car. 94 3 N. OXFORD.

HO. 4909. HIOH CLASS LISTINGS Wllshlre-Beverly Hills-Holly wood Altadena-Paea den THT4 WILLIAM WILSON "Over 36 Years of Servlc." 618 Pershins Squar Bid. VAndlk 2001. 6-RM.

ao New flat, beautifully S-RM. new mod. upper duplex. Gar. 1 0 4 S.

NORMANDIE. H. 5164. ATTRACTIVE APT. office, suitable f60 5-ROOM bungalow.

1816 McCad- 8 complete, healthful, no fog. bath. so. Apply rear, S- M2' A Itra r. I.i:aV 2-r.

bath, atm. lit. a8 AND AVE. A car. fRM, everything Inrluded, 828.

Near V. A cara. 1IS8 W. 30TH ST. iift VP lilll Court Apta.

140 n7 Flower, rloae In. mod. Comfortable, Klf'LLY turn, double apt. A sleeping rma lit ruaa. lkiANT 4-rm.

up to dale prlv. bom. Bx lualva gar. 7,1479. 8 naw, beaut.

6 twin Mi. for dentist. -Adj. M.D. 768333.

4568 Marmion way. OA. tans. 5 RM. unp.

duplex, 2 newly extra ctoaflt room, janitor ervlce. Adult. 3430 4TH AVE. Owner, EM. 7664.

flan Place. Inquir rear 1316 -4. South and Southwest 8 LARGE ROOMS. REST RESIDEN- LEASE, store 14X60. Metros v.

2 hatha, gar. aau jr.T HAMPSHIRE. TV A 4828 or MEJHI 8-RM. 2-story partly des. ralll- sme home, references, ia, pirn.

dec, 366. good 1 blR. w. of Bonnie Brae, off Alvarado Ter. 14 27 MALVERN.

bath, ahower beautiful tiai aecuon.notnina nicer anywnere. 1847 N. BERENDO. Phone 691845. BEAUTIFUL WILSHIRE HOME, with 8 MODERN ROOMS, BREAKFAST NOW READY.

Ph. MAln 3938. Office and Desk Space garage, modern. $55. Rcent.

houae, furnished, garsg. 1 Tvf DRKSMINU KUtlM. UAH- ly located, near wilslilre Blvd. bus A 14th ear. 637 S.

Serrano Ave. ly decorated, MAUXO-1A AV, 5-J5O0M bungalow, gsrage, $50, lame block to i car lines. 835. 3560 ARROYO 8ECO AVE. CA.

0168. 6-ROOM HEART OF WILL rent beautifully furnished nrl- AOB8. NEW. f.N'CSt.'ALLY FURNISHED. NEAR 9TH AVE.

AND WEST ADAMS. HIGH. CHOICE 5 LARGE lower new. Iec. aleeping gar.

A cellar. 4 3 natns, grana piano, oriental ruaa, twin beda, aeldom de we hav this type homa to offer at JAMES DONAHUE. PR. 4951. Wllahlre Blvd.

Corner Western ave. 818 list, 2, ana o-room courts, doubles, flats and houses. OEO. E. SPAIN.


150 new. aervlv. LAKK, near Weal lake. $65. JJ car.

83.6 UAloTir AVE. orated, brkfst. close In. 1149 N. EDO EM NT.

car serv. w. Ave. it. zizz LOCATION.

SS43 W. 27TH ST. t.ntKiM new duolex, beautiful over- 7-ROOM modern bumtalow al 1337 W. BLVD. HE.

91U6: 380. 5 ROOMS. BEAUT. MOD. SUNNY vata olllee with use of reoeptlon room and office service.

Finest ear-pot and mahogany furniture, etc. $100 month. Ph. TR. 8007 or call 714 COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE IPG- 6-RM.

beaut, flats, new, mod. 1921 418T PL. BE. 9116. 6-RM.

new beaut, lovely grounds, hirh ttiffed very gar. 874 FURNISHED houses to rent In W. Claudina. High around nr Wash. csrsA stores.

Reas. rent. VA. 0427. HOME.


8927. TO LET BUNGALOWS class dtst. HO. 31181. Loma Dr.

Vi hlk. N. of 8th. 69093. 6-RM.

new 2 upstair bedrm. -A- 1 rnwiMm 6 KMS-. tipper. 3 gar. $65.

in double nouae. rooms, wen mr-nished, 3 beds, $36, Also 3 rooms. Hiiicco hiinirnlnw. modern. '8 beds.

Oar. $55. AduJaSpDLTON. 8 340. Pelrsble.

newly 6 LARGE sunny splen LAHOE unny rooma. upper, duplex, red. from t6 lo 360. 1763 NOTICE. DENTIST A PHYSICIAN Nr- Jr.

111. isoa'fr uornon, int. 0 1 6-RM. $58. 8 nr.

neautiriuiy decorated. 3 Bedrma. Walk. dlst. 771 VENICE BLVD.

did location, garage, 365. 2455 W. 1STH ST. Bdultn. ii block $40.

Kev car, schl. 1107 w. 6. in. ho.

lias. Furnished 4 enmp, furn. (overstuffed,) 2 beds, nhon Installed. Adults onlv. 6-RM.

new duplex, beautifully fur 4 LOE. beaut, rm. and sun parlor, miner flat, fashionable locat. Keas. 1074 1-4 W.

31 ST BT. 6-RTvLlower fiat, close In. Rood con. 5-RM. new.

all conveniences, 6-RM ft gar. Fine condition, good loc. Dental office, short or lona term leaap, or equipped. hratn. I tile operating plaster psrtl-tion, -plumbing.

Detwller facing Pk. Fins lab. phone GA. 1072. prlc.

3)87 CANYON DR. N. of nlahed. nanu ape. wane, j-n.

noar 1 4 50 Wr. 7TH DR. UN. 1 n.ln. dltlon.

846 8. BIXEL ST. Phon HO. eve. $60 mo.

See this at 948', N. W1L- $45. Adults. 1360 Mcadowbrook. WH.

9S7. car, 828 8, Bcrendo. DR. 6418. Holly.

Blvd. HO. 6656; 2634. 6-RM. $40; blk.

W. of car. LARGE Just, completed, ele LRU. homey So. close In 1 4 LA fOMTKSSK A PTS 280 Fran'-ta ave riear W'eatmoialand.

888: dbl 860. Buckingham Apia. Cloae in. 1110 Ingraham, off 7 Hollywood ITJ8T OPEN! NO CLIFFWOOD APARTMENTS "Th Beautiful." tn th foothill of HolU'Wond. atnglea and double, four and flv room pHrtnienta, exceptionally large room, well appointed and onipletely furniahed.

Kai'h apart-ment a real bom for th moal rxaotfne. 1(143 N. CITBROKtB. OL. 8003.


3000. WILSHIRE A WESTERN 6600 W. CENTER, l.enox. AX. 8137 4-RM.

extra bed, ar, near 8 H.U.C, 1I109H N. New 694074, WH. 1987. iitV, qutei tre aiiaueo poi-rn, FOR RENT Offices, single or en suite gant, complete in every detail, 1 blk. N.

rl yJBI dJ 93 3 LM WOO B-RM. modern hous. fine condition. jbtock ricorfar. i4tm vni.iz nisT nr.

Vermont ave 6 $60, dbl. hous. beaut, new 5 RtKMS, close n. attractive price to furnished or tinturniBiied. Best location, Immediate possession at a low rontsl.

MR. DAVIS, 1006 Lan Mtg. "OX. Key a 4 i next door, nts. U544, 4" RMS 2 beds, beaut, gar.

Be-' rendo Crest, 930 S. Berendo, nr. Ambaa. 4RM. bungalow, coup, with garage, 966.

849H W. Santa Barh. overst. furn. 3 beds, linen, silver, A ears.

$60. 1227 W. 38. 6-RM. unpr en.

837 8. Vermont stucco, strictly mod. Uar. Included close to Be car line, stores, school, good location1, garage. $52.60 monthly, water paid.

Ph. XA. 6286. at 4307 AVOCADO 6 larte bkfat, 2 tile 1 blk. east of Hoover.

car. 8311 Ideal lota rr niiamea ueonte. rur. pace, hot tt-tr. gar.

DR. 7695. 986. VA, 417.3, sink hath A shower. Oar.

355. Ph 6-RM. cottage, eood condition. $40. smill family.

131 B. COMMON SA IjTH AVE, 5 ROOMS, upper flat, very deslrabfa, 2781 W. (TH. Wlllebranda. VA.

7918. 693323. bt. 7:30 A a.m. or after FOR rent by month, desk spar In NEW WINDSOR SQUARE English 2-story, 4 bedrm, 3 bstns, oriental rus, artlatlo furnishing.

Lovely garden. $260. J. DONAHUE. PR.

4881. Wilshire corner western ava. 6 FINE latte 8S0, alao 8 BELI.EVUE, PRJ 5 or 6971 9J 5 new duplex, near L. A. fi.

cor. Harcourt A Dockweller. $0, WH. 7646, vv. jitii' citBuw ik.

w. 01 Vermont. 6 p.m. S8. ,1 Xl KEt.ljA.WA.

VK. prominent omce punaing, mnuuin stenographic and phona service, at reasonable rates. TUrker 8074. $60 AFTON PLACE, 6109. Lower 6 ROOMS COMPLETELY FURN, 4 partly furn.

All ad tilts. $32.60. 8627 TRINITY ST. 6 LARGE rooms, lower duplex, unfur Tth 6 hdwd. fireplace, lo CLOSE IN.

413 mi. POUBLE.x 1139 SO. 5 ROOMS, HIGHLAND. furn. heal, til bath.

sen. ahwr 8-RM. uppar A lower garagaa. 860, olt W. Adam 6TH AVE.

2622 BEAUT? ii iinnki, 4 garage FOR RENT FINE GROUND FLOOR nished, garage, $40. AbUi 8. MAIN. A.X. 2687.

3-RM. Spanish court well furn. S. UK. 7171.

6 dandy flat. 3 beda, nr. excl. loo close bus. car.

OL. 3066 1919 BOUM-Y Pit. CltBUtiS. 6-RM. sunny tinner duplex.

2814 BUD cara. 50, VE. 6M Lg. yd. irBSK.


piano, sevrtna ma-chln. 1329 S. LONG WOOD. Key at 6-ROOM. BEAU.

Garage. 8737 Clmniaron st. $45, UPPER aouth. weat Hollywood. .4 RDM ART COITRT 1828 GRACE AVE.

Kw unner double aot. beaut, furn. alp Ij'ino. qiear car and stores. 40.

rooma. extra bed. pot 8 LOB. B. front, mod.

close to stores, blks. from Ambaa. O-rage. 809 8. CATALINA.

PR, 3679. BEAUTIB'UL SPANISH GARDEN HE. 662i 0 5 A 4-RM. mod. Belmont nr 6-RM.

new mod. single bit. -Ins. pch, laig Knm ay, 53 i breakfast Book. $40.

1268 DE Peal extra bed, direct Temple. 3 car lines. 834 BELMONT FOR LEASE SUITE OF OFFICES ARTISTIC! HOMES with pretty nbona. maid ear free parking. TROIT.

4-ROOM flat, completely furniahed tun arlc Rnnth. 6 LARGE upper duplex, close 1331. Drive rIbTRENTAL INFORMATION AUTO SERVICE HARRY OROSSMAN Haas 7tlt A Bdwy. TU. 2471.

Phone TU. 4374. plenty ttt aunahma. 1 blka. No.

of SUNNY aouth 4 room, extra bed. 4V 6 RM. with sleep, $75 663 NO. HOBART. gar, very reasonsbi.

1343 w. 68. 4-ROOM bungalows. (2) all modern convenience, $36. with $40.

Call st 220 W. 40TH PL. it expoatire. Centrally located, xrlew of mountain. Three large Room, two beds, tiled bath and shower, gsrage.

Near Hollywood bpjconij rioon ur STRONG FACING ON STREET. ON LARGE LOBBY. PH. TR. 1131.

ASK FOR MR. AYRE8. Mollvwood net. luce ano close to Hollywood Blvd. 1533 w.

Franklin, lot etreet w. ot vvticoi. 4-RM. sep. bkfst.

tile NORM AN DIB. car llnea. permanent peopi oeird Two adulta only, OantlUa. Cat morn. DU.

8038. hath and sink, gar. $55. 484 K. FREE RENTAL LIST $58 1 6 LARGE rooma, modern, Bung oars.

6e far. OL. 4614. 1382 EDGECLIFFE DRIVE. $11 WEEK.


A un roorn. mod. unny. nice alow, Bl. tO HOIiywooo cr irai A jnIWteLL 4 ROOMS, new, modern, with sleep-Ing porch, phon A garage, nr.

Fl-jieroa. Rent. $40. 633 W. 76th St.

4-ROOM modern desirable loc. Gar. 4 1 8 8 BRIGHTON. UN. 4449.

hna. Nr. Vermont, garage. di, 4-RM. ATTRAC.

TILE BATH ly furn. Extra wall bed. choke rtllt IMMEDIATE t.lUt"A'. APPLY ROOM 404 SOUTHWEST 8HR. DEB.

LOO. 855. 2168 CAM Wi ah re dt. car. karag.

ad HOLLYWOOD niLLVirW APARTMENTS 3633 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. CORNER HUDSON final, double and 4-room apta. aewlr furniahed and decorated, pi BLDG. 130 B. BROADWAY, 8481 OthlstTDUnklrkJjm.

NEAR KEN'MORB Front eparat 4 Iaa. ROSE DR. NR. HOLLYW'D BLVD. ulla.

309 8. WESTMINSTER AVE. fiat. 2 bedrm. ft iaar.

Brick bldt- 378 K. St. Awlrawa PI, South and Southwest SAN Fernando (fireproof.) WH. 95SB. 4-RM, double 1939 Palm Orove 4 COSY RMS.

A BATH. $45. 2U0 Free parking. New. beautituuy, com.

ptctely furn. 2 A 8-r. phonss. 1027ti Court at. VA.

4185. or Hollv car to N. Beaudry 1 blk. COURTS WILLOWBROOK. 4624 Wlllowbrook, most up to date dbles.

In L. A. nr. 8t. Monica ft Vt.

4 LARGE ROOMS, 'COMPLETELY high ground. Wash. car. HE. 2098 37TH PL.

SUN. 2 TO P.M. ano, radio, (team heat, 24-hour F'RXIHHKD. WKKTUKE Iltfi S.E. COR.

4TH A MAIN. Offices $20 and UD. Call at offlco of bulldlna or phone F. C. WOOD.

TU. 1638 or FA. 6609 4 RMS. ft tunroim. double liunit.

S-ROOM upper flat, with tarajr, new bedrm. and extra wall Bed. Mod-rn. 4169 OAKVOOD AVE car. RHODES, RENTAL SPECIALISTS SERVICE OAR-PR, 7147.

608 8. WESTERN, awitchboard aervlca. aag. light fur. TRICT, 1514 12TH ST.

OWN- low. B4l l. WllIU.N fi.ach, 3-RM. BEAUT, comb. din.

Ing rm-. wall bed, choice gar. 132 69TH FL, 360. 41JSB MUiN BiMied. Daily mkld ervtce.

876 A up WB, 3, F.M. .0784. in. reaaonani rent. I'll 61868 fRVlT only 848, Wonderful loc.

1 tB, Bonnl Bra a. Open morn. EM.4626 RM. flat, or 4 bedrooms. (30 8.

FIGt'EROA. .840. TJ. 7669, mod. lower A upper, 'tlla 6-ROOM flat.

307-216 8. VERMONT. 60-I6J. ME. 07M.

HE. 6 new, Wllahlr. 2 ex. hcd.jtar 1U6 29(I9 duplex, up 10 data. 233 N.


SOT" NEWLY" PEC, tCA R. 257 B. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 4 LARUE aunny rooma, every requirement for modern living. Exclualv realdentlal district.

Rea. to 1751 8. WESTMORELAND BLVD. 1 blk wat.of... Hobart.

I RMS new and modern tulha mln- 4 gar. dmts. $35. 2351 LON DESIRABLE offtc space In broker's DON ST, PR, 3595. RM flat.

UP to date, Improve. ORIENT. Rt'OS. HAVILAND. BE.

new coxy Ideal fir 3 RMS. $40, mod. nook. gar. Suitable for couple.

113 W. 66th. LA BREA APTS. In foothill of mountain, 2 blk forth of Hollywood Blvd. Roof ear ment aar.

4-RM. new stucco bung, partly furn. $37.50 STONE HILL COURT Completely Incl. blk. front Adams tar.

2823. 12TH AVE. 860. front court, 3 completely furn 2 beds. 1733 W.

SOTH ST. 8480. 140t ALVAWAW I KftltAyHi llns. adults, ph. EM, 6385.

2210 ofUce. outside llgnt, wen rurnuinn. Roll top desk and directors' table. Phone. stno.

Rant very reasonable. 830 I. W. HSLLMAN BLPO. 3-RM.

mod. house, with $35; den and patio. Only 1 ainale and 1 new A completely extra 1461 At-'KIUS IS. DU. 8517.

4-RM. new, 840. EM alRO 4-rm. furn. UN.

1649. left. 856 and lu. Includ bed, 0 atutted. nton ruga, a real B.

W'ESTERN. "CET6UR FREE RfTAt. LIST vaiw D. TATt'M A CO. BEAUTIFULLY furnlshd suit, also 86i5 or 729 20.

383) VICTORIA DR. ing a. light, eteam heat, maid homegr. JMIohf $20. 4 RM.

B.W.. well (26. fully furn ct. sal. 1226 W.

89 PI. nr. cars snd store, or pay row dol 8-ROOAf BUNGALOW 4 ROOMS, modern, walking dlatanc ingl omces. snort or ion tesse. 827 INSURANCE EXCH.

TR. 934 JD.1 hlr Blvd. cor. Wlltnjr075 7 "hit or iinfurn. home, with aemr.

hotel desk aervlre. LA BREA AVE Ph. HO, 9214. "LA BREA APTS lars mora mthly. and own this home.

Knnpp Invest. Co. (owners,) Plerce-Arrow limousine, nr. Wilshire ts. pi o.

rm 5oTO $37.60. nr. col. Ieer stores. Holly.

4116 Monro BUNGS. ON CAR. NR. 578. 8118 S.

VAN BUREN. 6-ROOM, 3-RTORY 1226 QUEEN ANN PLACE Mra. TRInlty 3 201. 3-ROOM bungalow, bath, built-in WANTED Reps. eastern firm to In foothilla of ntountaina.

2 hlocka nntth of Hollywood Bird. Roof gar Blvd. 404 a. irvtnf wn. trifSTv.

tinfurn. houses, flat, apt. rent desks, mail ft pn. serv. C.

of C. 12th ft Broadway. or -I car, 338. 133.WITMER ST, nicely 2 beda, 4J 1809 ARAPAHOE. 4-RM.

new beam. A conm. ex 3 LARGE aunny furn. rooma. uo tra.

8.10. 1933 GLENDALE PL near Vermont. ner, and patio only ainale end 1 gsr. If desired, $36, 225 LOMA free service. FINLEY RLTY.

PRIVATE, office, us of aphona. reoep I'KIV tu. doubt left. 356 and tlla. Including kax, light, ateam heat, maid 6.7 Bk.

of Italy Bldg, VA. NEW stucco A aaraae. 2 bkfat. tlln bath ft sink, all H.W. 60 car.

1463 W. 80TH ST. VE, 8160. 6018 6TH 6 rm. colonial.

2 den. very mod, $68 mo. paid. VB. 056.1.

858 Westmoreland, nil, mis. HOLLY. Mt. Terr. 1066 Aravla new.

beaiit: al. bung. HE. .4422 $28, MOD. turn, court hung elect.

ut. Wilshlr district, living and din-mc-rooms fUiiahed in sum wood wth 3-RM. bungalow snd garaee. tlon room, snitaDt imuranc or real estat. 610 Union Bank Bldg, A NICELY furn.

6-rm. with $46. OWNER. 1370 LAVETA TR. all mod conveniences, ciose in.

OFFICE ft loft space. 7th nr. Orsnd 4 all built-in flxtures. Hjv to be Mn to appreciated. $10 ntc milts.

914 WEST 1TTH. fit. redecorated. AM cara. 4624 Wesley ay, VE.

3938 4 NEWLY fin. mod. flats, to rent or 3LC1E. rm. A sip.

$36. Oar. A locker. flrs.i 3 wsll beds, all built Ins, writing desk A bonkesea, like I new. at 163 B.

86TH cell BE. 3808, 3 lirifD. rm. lower, dress, rm, sin $30. flood loo 4209 8.

Orsnd. fViTi-rm, flst and aar. Facing Expo, fk. Boshes. 4 202 $60, NEW 4 rooms, til hath, alnk.

hdw. Oat. 4Q66H W. 21BT ST. East and Southeast 4 NEW lra rm ra.

blk. rom Maln at. B. I9T OT. 4 RMST," alp.

ex. bed. 326. Shi ADAIR ST. wasner.

afln-a n'j i-j. LK. S444 1616 WEST aei vice. hotel dek aervlce, 1600 la brea. ho.

9214. a-Kt s. Ccrner Fraiklin A Oower. HE. 4181 apaclotie atnglea and doublea.

Includ ve. tefl tiAttttt u. ripL.E.ix uu closet rea in ainina-room. oarage WH, .8020. 4 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS Alcov with bed.

W. upper, hdw f-R. $36 New, modern cottage, adulta. 319 BrccRman Ttt. 453.rm.

twin beds, 'stuffed 3-RM. South, porrh, garage nut 'rlced rls hL 16 4 ARLINGTON, 3 tile sTnk. balVi: 1928' 3RD AVE, A VERY choice large office apace with drs. A1 rond. 836.

Nr. Vermont. 2 8 RMS. A BATH. $27 mo.

dhl. 1342 Ing light, caa and weekly ma'd aarv- urn. iii j-ooa wou, cm r. LOVELY home. bedrooms, ntgh close In.

390. 268 S. Burlington sun. $4. 3P10 W.

8T. 768398 phone and stenographer. so nemo. 1B60 N. WESTERN.

WB. 1710' car. 1499 1 wt i BE. 6768. JUST built, 2 super mod.

dbl. bunas. 6 2 high ft day. 6341 HARCOURT, west on Vernon, $20 MONTH. Three room bungalow, modern, unfurnished.

Apply 384 S. BROADWAY. MAln 4917. 3-WM. flal.

wIK. saa. llgnt iw. zoi nea r.avca rs 3 A 4-RM sunny sd. ults, $30, 2361 London, DR.

3685, BE A CT ITU I. BrTrS 'PI .1 lncl. C'V'i 81. $25 8-RM. turn.

733 S9TH ST. HTJ. 1303. 1 4-RM. fin atucco wall bed.

tils btjt3836tt N- AN NESS. 27bm $50. front, new atucco bung, 8.3t- R.MS.. Vi dble bungalow, In court, built-in bed, near and cars. Rent reanonable.

901 W. 60TH 8T. WILL shsre my oompl. equlpt offlcA. Phona, typewriter, Io.

$20 mo. RtVES-STRONO BLDG. 4-ROOM new flat, upper. $56. lower, tf1: ahowers, til, extra bed.

near achool. Little glrla welcome. MKt'i NORTON AVE. 8-RM. sunny uoper.

porch. Hollywood 10 RMS sip, pch-. 8 bath, gas dhl. gardener, wa. i.r Avail.

Mar. 1. 1 to 2 adults. 1114 W. Ajr.

2T tie. A day awitchboard. lac riata cafe tervlc. Beautiful private park. 3 70 tin.

NEW HOLLYWOOD NEW VAN CARLTON APTS Van Nee. 1 blk. outh Hollywood Bhd c'parlou alnfle. twin It dou-ble bed. Carpeted breakfaat rooma An cluiv and refined horn.

Price very reaonabl. SUITE of 3 or 8 ofnees. Homer Laugh- 4-RM. niodern lower, extra bed, flr. OPPORTUNITY for reflned people to! fi.

K. COR. 7TH AND GRAMERCY PLACE. 5 rooms, owner on premises Sunday aft. between 9 and 4.

Phone NEW. mod. 5-rtu. atucco bung. Agar.

91st 330 mo. VE. 9666. $40, BUNGALOW AND BATH, THONE VE, 9071. rent four-room nst in a'trs'-tive nit- leaae.

Lanwood HE. 1141( plac. mcker. market. 29S9 W.

14TH nr. Western. Pico car. lln 316 M. eittMUWAI.

ttas- onabl rent. VA. 6371, FOR RENT Desks, chalra and complete office outfits, rental, applies on weetc nays. oij. hii, vat realdenc on Harvard Blvd.

6i5. phon .3479. APT. 414. purcnas.

ill i. By ED WHEELAN (AH tighh preltdeJ bg The Ceorge Matlheul Adams Sen'ce Trade Mark RcghtertJ U. S. Patent Office) MINUTE MOVIES HERE IS WHERE DEY GRAB MAIL received for you, $3 mo. 702 FINANCIAL CENTER BLDG.

PART nf large ground floor office, tele- phone. BEVERLY BLVD-i. 4111.. DESK SPACE and us of phone in veil furnished office, Al building. VA.

3809. nw TAKt ME A VOVJ ET HE'LL WOWT S-TOHIM- HE tsjT WE (50T7A KEEPj I HURT CHA Jt PT OPENING HOLLYWOOD VISTA APTS. new brick blda. In an rlualv Hollywood residence dlat. Sgl.

completely equipped, wonderful HAZEL APTS HOLLYWOOD Oingl nd double beautifully turn. Oa- liahr. phone Included. ItXCLCMlVE SCRROCNDINOS fC il 4r il bOTH A' DENDEyitiOK. POOR LEETIA 51RL OFF, tUvayrN sweex THE VOUAJG OVERCOME.


TErLUNK? HEF5 FAL3Er SToRy. LEADS THE 109 1-4 N. Hobart Blvd. HO. 88 CHOICE, room, very convenient for CHEREMOYA APT8.

8S87 Franklin larg ainale FEftf? AN TERROR, BEGS HER MASKED -y' iW)AY DOWH SOUTH SEFflAL, thriller CPnsODe SEMEN A too's Discover witn rarat. inci, gaa. beat. GR. 8:6) HK.nv-ta aPT8 HOLLvwnrm Jvew epaclou ainalea.

very bomeiika TWIN ru mis Lpa. CAPTORS To TAKE HER. BACK Tq MER GUARDIAM Bent Inoludira liaht. phon. W' 3 Tit UAAVTb THE SUPPOSED; SCENE CP THE KtoNmtiG laundry ni rvice.

un and up 1819 N. Klnrtley HOtjy, 714 ny single ft en ult. APpW 204 PANTAGES 6696. 2-RCX)M stilt, rstpets A rtirtaln for sale. 1111 STOCK EXOH.

DESK pac In nice light office, phone Mail. Phone "desk service. 643 frOTTON EXCH. IQf W. BARBER shop apace, downtown lo-cation tJStMAI879.

DESK Security R. steno. tlm. hl-clas offlc. JR.

1911. Industrial and Business Pty. COMPLETELY furn. 3 bedroom I I aleeping porcn upataira, In WP I A tluded. 788 N.

HELIOTROPE PR Hk. from. CC S. B. Ph.

PL. ARE ou looking; for a real home? FEE THB ST. KATHERINE API ngle with funilahingi of th beat 934 HO. 84(4 llilllWHV, WHAT HAVE 1 mpTtee PsroenrJ 3 THCRc FUNNY JD GiVE LIFE t' -1 i at-TAJ 1 HM lal a r. V--- Uaii tT TIIEOT FOR HER -I f-xm TUr LOFTS Nearly 8000 ft.


Csll HE9'49. BEAUTIFULLY furn. douhl apt. unusually large. Modem In vrv reap, t.

)24fi N. VINE. Apt. 400. OL, 3610.

A I VOLE A double strictly mod. floor. BtlOO 8. Main St. rreigni elevator.

Ground floor shipping room. 54-ft. paved yard. 20-ft. paved l- ley.

Open for Inspection. LEASE. 619 Ss Julian. 40x100. also aecond story, Mt.

741 WU. Iriiji roof, skvlleht. FRANK. TANDt. P.

O. boa 808 Ban Dleao. H.R AND WW To'iALkS UP 1 THAT SHE IS SAFE WFR BACK SOrTC-ViJ i THE BEACH WTTW FOR RENT rVme'bkig, 40g40, suit ern. furnlahad A unfurnished, 63:1 THE MlLLlOAiRE.OT HIS LOVE. FOR EVELYN AND EJ56-TO BE ALLOWED TO HELP SEARCH FDR HER HS DOG, DVMANa TfeVIN To THINK OF WHAT To DO hie for snop or siorage, rear oi 318 8.

Flguera. Cement and 8 0 ft 1 ley. Owner. TU. 8 FACTORY Vulld'iKt.

close In. 13, one Iloor snac with 2 larg glsitoa fiitnaces. ipur track. Ph. EL.

15 m. 1420 CH ELTON WAY, S. Paaadena MONPf'B 379. $16 1 OK. single aui' for 8.

tsa. b(i IMrt lnc. ll N. HI, Andrews cot. WoMvwd 1 bl.

Wenern ruRMO- "VPT" AND rOTTAGE RATE" REASONABLE TJif Hollywood gr. uti kii- mi.

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


Where is LA Times located? ›

2300 E. Imperial Highway El Segundo

What is LA Times known for? ›

The Los Angeles Times is Southern California's largest daily newspaper. What makes the LA Times unique? Community influence, positive social contribution and dedication to its role as a defender of the civic trust.

What is the largest newspaper in Los Angeles? ›

The major daily newspaper is the Los Angeles Times, while La Opinión is the city's major daily Spanish-language paper.

Can I read LA Times for free? ›

Account Creation. There are various levels of participation that you can sign up for : Registered User: Enjoy a select number of free articles every rolling 7 days on Print Plus: Print delivery, plus unlimited digital access to & the L.A. Times app.

What is the old address of the Los Angeles Times? ›

Los Angeles Times building (1935–2018), street address 202 W. First Street, original structure on the southwest corner of 1st and Spring designed by Gordon Kaufmann.

Where exactly is LA located? ›

The majority of the city proper lies in a basin in Southern California adjacent to the Pacific Ocean in the west and extending partly through the Santa Monica Mountains and north into the San Fernando Valley, with the city bordering the San Gabriel Valley to its east.

Who is the target audience of the LA Times? ›

As the largest metropolitan daily newspaper in the United States, LA Times delivers valuable stories to a diverse group of affluent readers spanning from business decision makers to politicians and from HNW investors to fashion enthusiasts.

What family owned the LA Times? ›

The Los Angeles Times was long dominated by the Chandler family, beginning when Harry Chandler succeeded his father-in-law, Otis, as publisher in 1917. Norman Chandler took over from his father in 1944, and in 1948 he introduced an afternoon tabloid, the Los Angeles Mirror, which was discontinued in 1962.

How much does the LA Times cost? ›

Unlimited Digital Access subscriber: This is your all-access pass to the Los Angeles Times app, as well as other benefits for $15.99 a month.

What is the #1 newspaper in the world? ›

The New York Times

What is the most respected newspaper in the United States? ›

The New York Times

One of the most trusted names in U.S. newspapers, The New York Times is also one of the longest-running names in print. Like WSJ, the New York Times is doubling down on digital and has announced goals of reaching 15 million total subscribers by the end of 2027.

What are the top 3 selling newspapers in America? ›

Top 10 newspapers by subscribers and print circulation
NewspaperPrimary service areaHeadquarters
The New York TimesNew York metropolitan areaNew York City
The Wall Street JournalNew York metropolitan areaNew York City
The Washington PostWashington metropolitan areaWashington, D.C.
USA TodayNationalMcLean, Virginia
6 more rows

Do they still print the LA Times? ›

The Times' downtown L.A. printing facility will shut down in 2024. The Times will begin working with Southern California News Group in 2024 to produce its print editions as well as those of the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Is the LA Times a daily newspaper? ›

The Los Angeles Times is the largest metropolitan daily newspaper in the country, with more than 40 million unique visitors monthly, Sunday print readership of 1.6 million and a combined print and online local weekly audience of 4.4 million.

How many readers does the LA Times have? ›

The Los Angeles Times is the largest metropolitan daily newspaper in the country, with a daily readership of 1.2 million and 2.1 million on Sunday, more than 32 million unique visitors monthly and a combined print and online local weekly audience of 4.4 million.

Where is time newspaper located? ›

Time has been based in New York City since its first issue published on March 3, 1923, by Briton Hadden (1898–1929) and Henry Luce (1898–1967). It was the first weekly news magazine in the United States.

Where is Times Radio located? ›

Studios. Times Radio primarily broadcasts from a dedicated studio complex within The News Building in Central London, which is the headquarters of its ultimate owner News UK. It broadcasts from the 14th floor.

Where is LA football club located? ›

Designed by Gensler, BMO Stadium is home to Major League Soccer's Los Angeles Football Club (LAFC), and the National Women's Soccer League's Angel City. Opened in April 2018, the 22,000-seat development is the first open-air stadium to be built in Los Angeles in over 30 years.


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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.