Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (2024)

Table of Contents
Highlights 20 Arcane Gate (Conjuration) A Portal For Easy Access To Locations Best Uses Of Arcane Gate 19 Flesh To Gold (Transmutation) A More Attractive Punishment For Opponents Best Uses Of Flesh To Gold 18 Flesh To Stone (Transmutation) Incapacitate A Foe Until They Turn Into Stone Best Uses Of Flesh To Stone 17 Blade Barrier (Evocation) Secure An Area With Deadly Blades Best Uses Of Blade Barrier 16 Circle Of Death (Necromancy) Devastate A Location With A Blast Of Deathly Energies Best Uses Of Circle Of Death 15 Eyebite (Necromancy) Multi-Targeted Fright To Debilitate Opponents Best Uses Of Eyebite 14 Chain Lightning (Evocation) Hit Multiple Opponents With Just One Target Best Uses Of Chain Lightning 13 Wall Of Ice (Evocation) Block The Enemy’s Path With Ice Best Uses Of Wall Of Ice 12 Wall Of Thorns (Conjuration) Delay The Enemy Approach With Entangling Vines Best Uses Of Wall Of Thorns 11 Heal (Evocation) One Of The Best Healing Spells In The Game Best Uses Of Heal 10 Harm (Necromancy) A Powerful Direct Attack Against Frail Opponents Best Uses Of Harm 9 Otto’s Irresistible Dance (Enchantment) Uses The Power Of Music To Stop Attacks Best Uses Of Otto’s Irresistible Dance 8 Planar Ally (Conjuration) Summon A Potent Ally For Backup Best Uses Of Planar Ally 7 Sunbeam (Evocation) Flashy Targeted Beam Destruction Best Uses Of Sunbeam 6 Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere (Evocation) Create A High-Damaging Chilling AOE Best Uses Of Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere 5 Globe Of Invulnerability (Abjuration) Protect Allies To Prepare For Counter-Attacks Best Uses Of Globe Of Invulnerability 4 Create Undead (Necromancy) Create Allies Out Of The Dead Best Uses Of Create Undead 3 Wind Walk (Transmutation) Secure Party-Wide Stealth Best Uses Of Wind Walk 2 Disintegrate (Transmutation) Auto-Kill At 0 HP Best Uses Of Disintegrate 1 Heroes’ Feast (Conjuration) Secure Potent AOE Healing After Combat Best Uses Of Heroes’ Feast References


  • Level 6 Spells in Baldur's Gate 3 are best for high-damage nuking in tough situations.
  • These spells represent the pinnacle of magic schools and can turn the tide of battle.
  • Choose spells like Blade Barrier and Flesh to Stone strategically for maximum impact.

Among the available spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 are Level 6 Spells that serve as the pinnacle of the Magic Schools they represent. In the world of D&D, 6th-level Spells are some of the most powerful magical abilities spellcasters have access to, allowing them to conjure effects that are usually only dreamt of in a person’s wildest dreams.


Baldur's Gate 3: 12 Best Rings You Can Get In Act 2, Ranked

There are plenty more enchanted rings to pick up in act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3 that are sure to give players an edge following on from the first act.

In Baldur's Gate 3 gameplay, 6th-level Spells are spells that others might consider game-breaking, boasting effects that can turn the tide of battle in a single turn. However, not all Level 6 Spells in the D&D adaptation are worth the cast, especially with some of them being extremely situational. But for players who know how to use certain spells to their advantage, a Level 6 Spell makes all the difference in a losing battle.

Updated August 5, 2024 by Rhenn Taguiam: With D&D about to release an updated Player’s Handbook in September 2024, fans of Dungeons & Dragons might be wondering just how their favorite Spellcasters might be affected by the changes that this rules “refresh” will introduce. For fans who want to enjoy the full extent of D&D 5e’s “classic” Spell List, perhaps playing Baldur’s Gate 3 is the best way to do so.

Aside from being a multi-awarded RPG, Baldur’s Gate 3 is perhaps the one video game that has the best adaptations of the 5e ruleset - something even evident with its limited selection of Level 6 Spells. With this rank of Spells being the highest that players could use, knowing how they can “break” the game should be able to give players a renewed perspective on how to maximize their Spell arsenal’s potential.

20 Arcane Gate (Conjuration)

A Portal For Easy Access To Locations

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (2)

Casting Time

1 Action



Requires Concentration


Saving Throw


While Dimension Door allows players of Baldur’s Gate 3 to gain access to an area within their field of vision, Arcane Gate mixes things up with the ability to create portals that connect extremely distant locations. Technically speaking, Arcane Gate can only work between two locations that are at most 120 feet apart, compared to the 30m or 98ft teleportation distance available to Dimension Door. Players are given an area of effect where they can choose two points within their visual range.

This expanded distance might not seem like much in terms of practical uses for a 6th-Level Spell, except perhaps for players who want a quick means of escaping a situation without having to reload a Save. Arcane Gate becomes a way to “break” some quests that are rather time-sensitive or location-sensitive, such as when saving Hope.

Best Uses Of Arcane Gate

Despite Arcane Gate’s rather limited range making it a risky spend of a 6th-Level Spell Slot, players should reserve the Spell for situations where room for movement becomes extremely limited. The instant 120-foot range of the Arcane Gate is a lifesaver when other mobility skills land players within the attack range of other opponents. This does mean Arcane Gate is more of a situational Spell than a trusty Level 6 Spell, but its presence is the insurance of a guaranteed teleport without the hassle.

19 Flesh To Gold (Transmutation)

A More Attractive Punishment For Opponents

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (3)

Casting Time

1 Action



Requires Concentration


Saving Throw


While similar in name to its fellow Transmutation Spell Flesh to Stone, the Flesh to Gold variant is a rarer and more alluring version of the Spell. When cast, its effects are identical to its Stone variant: a target is Restrained and will be transformed into a hard substance if they fail their CON Saves for three turns. In the case of Flesh to Gold, the target "Goldifies," or transforms into gold with the third failed CON Save.

Despite its appealing visual effect, Flesh to Gold isn’t as ideal to be used against opponents due to its rare nature. It can only be acquired from Gerringothe Thorm in the Reithwin Town Tollhouse for a minimum of 5000 Gold. After doing this, players acquire the Signed Trade Visa, which is essentially going to act as a scroll to release the Spell.

Best Uses Of Flesh To Gold

Unlike other Spells, using Flesh to Gold should be done with care as its effects on NPCs can be irreversible to the game. This is especially the case with some Major NPCs, as their actual “movement” can be crucial to the storyline. For instance, using the Spell on Ketheric won’t be able to remove the Shadow Curse, while turning Gortash can result in extremely hostile NPCs with no further progression in Act 3.

18 Flesh To Stone (Transmutation)

Incapacitate A Foe Until They Turn Into Stone

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (4)

Casting Time

1 Action



Requires Concentration


Saving Throw


It’s one thing to incapacitate an opponent to stop them from fighting in Baldur’s Gate 3's combat, and Flesh to Stone proves it’s another thing entirely to slowly transform them into stone. When this Spell is cast, a foe is Restrained until they slowly turn into rock. In game terms, this translates into a Petrify Status unless they pass a CON Save within three turns.

When used in conjunction with Bane and other Save-affecting debuffs, Flesh to Stone can be a dangerous Spell to use against most opponents. While the CON Save requirement might make this more difficult to use against bosses, this Spell can still take care of pesky weaker opponents who try to get the player’s attention.

Best Uses Of Flesh To Stone

Players who want game-breaking kills should use Flesh to Stone when tackling difficult bosses, especially if they target opponents with low enough CON Saves. This is because Flesh to Stone only triggers aggression on non-hostile targets by the time they succeed in their Save or become Petrified. By the time they get their status, it’s too late and players can maneuver around their target. Should players find a quick way to reduce the Petrified target’s Hit Points down to zero, it’s an easy kill without much effort.

17 Blade Barrier (Evocation)

Secure An Area With Deadly Blades

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (5)

Casting Time

1 Action



Requires Concentration


Saving Throw


There’s nothing that screams “none shall pass” more to an enemy than razor-sharp blades of pure magic floating in the air, and this is exactly what Blade Barrier does to an area. When cast in a Baldur’s Gate 3 session, a Spellcaster can summon forth a wall of arcane blades to an area, transforming the space into Difficult Terrain that also damages anyone already in the location or who tries to pass them.

Aside from the transformation of an area into Difficult Terrain, Blade Barrier is an especially nasty Spell in Baldur’s Gate 3 due to its damaging nature. The blades themselves can cause up to 6d10 Slashing Damage to those who try to pass through them, and half as much damage to those that pass its DEX Save. This alone can make areas debilitating to opponents, especially when they realize how dangerous it is to cross over to the player party’s relatively safer area.

Best Uses Of Blade Barrier

Spellcasters should try Blade Barrier in spaces where they control ingress and egress, such as tight corridors or small rooms where the rest of the party can prepare their attack, and the Spell being the only way between them and the enemies. The game’s AI will often have enemies try to rush through the Blade Barrier, which of course often results in easy kills.

16 Circle Of Death (Necromancy)

Devastate A Location With A Blast Of Deathly Energies

Casting Time

1 Action



Requires Concentration


Saving Throw

CON Save

Players who want to add that extra tinge of darkness to their Spells could go for Circle of Death for a nasty AOE. When cast, players sculpt deathly energies into a ball that they release around a creature, devastating them and those surrounding them with a living ball of death.


Baldur's Gate 3 has a robust selection of armor pieces, including a range of gloves. Here is how to find the best ones.

All creatures within range of the target need to make a CON Save or risk taking as much as 8d6 Necrotic Damage, and still take half as much damage on a success. While 24 Damage on half doesn’t seem much, remember that this can apply to all targets within the range of the original target. When aimed at a cluster of foes, Circle of Death could stop mobs from rushing players and allow them to focus on their intended target.

Best Uses Of Circle Of Death

One of the best uses of Circle of Death is when paired with Staff of Cherished Necromancy (Very Rare Quarterstaff) located in Philgrave’s Mansion and looted from the Mystic Carrion. This Quarterstaff has Life Essence Harvest, an effect that grants users with Life Essence whenever they kill an opponent with a Spell. Thanks to Life Essence, the Staff’s wielder can use any Necromancy Spell without spending Spell Slots, essentially allowing players to spam Circle of Death as long as they kill enemies with it. Despite the Spell’s inherent weakness, its decent range can make it an annoying death trap against multiple enemies.

15 Eyebite (Necromancy)

Multi-Targeted Fright To Debilitate Opponents

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (8)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:

WIS Save

When a spellcaster casts Eyebite in Baldur’s Gate 3, their very eyes become teethed corridors of darkness that inflict the darkest forms of fear onto targets. The Spell can affect targets up to 18 feet, where only a WIS Save can help them avoid its effects that can last up to 10 turns. Unfortunately for targets, a spellcaster’s ally that can cast a convenient Bane (1st-Level Enchantment) could put creatures with high Wisdom at a Disadvantage and suffer its effects.

Affected Eyebite targets may be Panicked (Disadvantaged Ability Checks and Attack Rolls with no Action but to run away), Sickened (Disadvantaged Ability Checks and Attack Rolls), or Asleep (auto-fail DEX and STR Saves, Advantaged against Attacks, auto-crits when hit at 1.5m). What makes Eyebite especially deadly is its ability to be freecast without expending a Spell Slot should the caster be Concentrating on another Spell, practically making Eyebite a deterrent for enemies who would try to distract them.

Best Uses Of Eyebite

Eyebite works remarkably well when paired with Staff of Cherished Necromancy, especially when killing opponents will allow players to not only use Fear on bosses to stop them from moving but at the same time give the party enough room to eliminate mobs without worrying about a multi-hitting opponent. Similar to Circle of Death, Eyebite is best used with the Staff in areas with a lot of enemies, like when fighting Raphael in the House of Hope.

14 Chain Lightning (Evocation)

Hit Multiple Opponents With Just One Target

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (9)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:

DEX Save

Standing among the most powerful Evocation Spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Chain Lightning, bringing to life a player’s dreams of inflicting sheer electrifying terror the likes the Dark Side of the Force has never seen. When cast, a target up to 18 meters should make a DEX Save or get hit with 10d8 Lightning Damage.

What’s worse for the target is how the Chain Lightning expels up to three more lightning bolts away from them. If there are up to three enemies within 18 meters of them, they get “chained” into the lightning, possibly taking the same 10d8 Lightning Damage unless they pull off a DEX Save. And even if they do manage to succeed, the guaranteed 5d8 Lightning Damage can still hit hard when set up with the Wet status property.

Best Uses Of Chain Lightning

One of the golden children of D&D builds, Chain Lightning is among the best ways of tearing through foes without much worry. Chain Lightning in itself is already strong against multiple nearby opponents. Players can strengthen the Spell further with the right build, such as targeting Wet opponents, using Bronze Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer, and even using Metamagic for re-casting Chain Lightning as a Bonus Action.

13 Wall Of Ice (Evocation)

Block The Enemy’s Path With Ice

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (10)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:

DEX Save

Despite Chain Lightning unleashing electric hell on opponents seems more optimal for its 10d8 Lightning Damage, the less-damaging Wall of Ice can give Baldur’s Gate 3 players much-needed tactical versatility with its effects. Its first effect alone can divide the battlefield for players at a disadvantage, where a wall of solid ice appears from the ground and hits opponents in the way for 10d6 Cold Damage.

However, where Wall of Ice trumps Chain Lightning is with its second effect. Should the Wall of Ice get destroyed, it dissipates into cold air that attacks opponents around and inside it for 10d6 Cold Damage per turn they’re exposed, transforming the former wall into lethal terrain.

Best Uses Of Wall Of Ice

Wall of Ice being fixed recently has made it a more potent Spell. Comboing this Spell to ensure enemies are both grouped together and made Wet can transform Wall of Ice into a devastating force on the battlefield. If enemies aren’t encased in ice after the Spell is cast, the damage numbers should be enough to take care of most mobs and have bosses struggling to prioritize their heals before making any sort of meaningful engagements. The surface this creates also makes it challenging to make any counter-attacks against the players.

12 Wall Of Thorns (Conjuration)

Delay The Enemy Approach With Entangling Vines

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (11)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:

DEX Save

While the 7d8 Piercing Damage of Wall of Thorns is less than both Wall of Ice and Chain Lightning, its environmental effects in Baldur’s Gate 3 are more valuable than its base damage. When cast, Wall of Thorns creates a crisscrossing wall of thorns with vines that can Entangle enemies caught inside them.

Unlike Wall of Ice, enemies and other creatures can attempt to move through the Wall of Thorns, although at quartered Movement Speed and with a risk of taking 7d8 Piercing Damage per turn. Summoning the Wall of Thorns between players and a horde of opponents can give the team a lot of valuable time to reposition while enemies try to tear through. Players can end their preparation stage with a harsh fire Spell, burning the Wall of Thorns alongside the creatures inside.

Best Uses Of Wall Of Thorns

Similar to other walls in the game, Wall of Thorns is best used as a deterrent in situations where the team can’t easily disengage in fights. Having someone maintain Wall of Thorns at any direction and having a backup fight enemies who manage to pass through is a solid defensive strategy while players have the rest of the party recover from wounds or prepare their counterattacks.

11 Heal (Evocation)

One Of The Best Healing Spells In The Game

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (12)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:


When it comes to Level 6 Spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay, sometimes using Heal to guarantee an ally’s survival is more valuable than a damaging Spell. Thanks to this Spell, a target is healed for 70 Hit Points. More importantly, the Spell also removes any signs of disease and Blindness, helping an ally recover from the harsh debuff and get them up to speed.

While there are other Spells such as Mass Cure Wounds (5th-Level Evocation) and Mass Healing Word (3rd-Level Evocation) to heal multiple allies at once, having Heal as a backup 6th-Level Spell can be used to turn the tide of battle.

Best Uses Of Heal

Should players get Heal early in their playthrough, one of the best things to try to do with it is to use it with the Dark Urge. This ties into the Spell’s nature of being able to heal other ailments, which in turn affects the Dark Urge’s amnesia. Heal will provide two different cutscenes, each of which will be based on whether players have already fought Orin or not.

10 Harm (Necromancy)

A Powerful Direct Attack Against Frail Opponents

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (13)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:

CON Save

At first glance, Harm being a 6th-level spell that only reduces a target’s Hit Point Maximum until a Long Rest seems rather underwhelming. After all, unless an opponent hits 0 HP, they can still perform just as well as their full-health counterparts. However, players need to remember that this Baldur’s Gate 3 spell comes with an accompanying 14d6 Necrotic Damage, making this quite the damage-heavy attack even prior to its effects.

What makes Harm quite efficient isn't solely its base damage numbers but rather what it implies for opponents such as bosses. Reducing Hit Point Maximum significantly lessens the total healing they can take to reach high HP, making healing spells from themselves and even allies a waste of time. When used properly, Harm can severely debilitate an opponent’s sustainability on the field and can leave them wide open.

Best Uses Of Harm

Harm has the potential to become a heavy-hitting Spell, but players should never expect to kill with the Spell. If the intent is to kill a target with Harm, the better strategy is to somehow help the target succeed in the CON Save, as this triggers half-damage but won’t provide the Hit Point reduction - ergo still “lessening” their Hit Points in the form of damage that can kill them, but not “reduce” Hit Points per the effect that won’t kill them.

9 Otto’s Irresistible Dance (Enchantment)

Uses The Power Of Music To Stop Attacks

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (14)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:

WIS Save

Named after a powerful wizard who resided in Oerth of the Greyhawk campaign setting, Otto’s Irresistible Dance is the epitome of magically enchanting a target. This Baldur’s Gate 3 spell takes an Action and requires Concentration, but a spellcaster with high enough Wisdom can use this often-used dump stat to bypass enemy defenses.

A target affected by Otto’s Irresistible Dance will dance uncontrollably for as long as 10 turns. The nature of this spell means the targets will find it difficult to attack, giving them Disadvantage on Attack Rolls. However, Otto’s Irresistible Dance also debuffs foes with a Disadvantage on DEX Saves while buffing the target’s attackers with Advantage on their Attack Rolls. When used against a boss, Otto’s Irresistible Dance can make them a much easier target to eliminate.

Best Uses Of Otto’s Irresistible Dance

Despite its patch that fixed its “irresistible” nature, forcing its targets to make a Save after the first turn still makes this Spell rather potent in terms of disabling enemy targets. The guarantee that the target will be dancing during their turn and only make a Save afterward should give players enough time to recalibrate their positions and overall strategies to deal with the boss should they get out of the trance.

8 Planar Ally (Conjuration)

Summon A Potent Ally For Backup

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (15)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:


With an RPG like Baldur’s Gate 3 only allowing players to have a four-person party, one can expect their characters to be constantly overwhelmed in combat. And when facing bosses with a lot of HP and even more formidable mobs, players may find themselves in a losing battle of attrition. Thankfully, a Familiar via Planar Ally can turn the tide, with the 6th-Level spell summoning a powerful Cambion, Deva, or Djinn to help the players until their Long Rest.

Despite the hefty summoning cost, the 6th-level spell slot is usually worthwhile, as fights that need the Planar Ally will likely end in a situation that allows a Long Rest anyway. Moreover, with the Planar Ally having quite a diverse toolkit, the 6th-level spell slot may be the equivalent of all the attacks and extra crowd control spells the Ally casts in combat.

Best Uses Of Planar Ally

Theoretically, casting more than one instance of Planar Ally will just replace the previous summon. However, it’s possible for players to multi-summon Planar Allies assuming they use different sources. On top of their original Spell Slot, it’s possible to read Caution Before the Seelie (via Sorcerous Vault) to access Sights of the Seelie: Summon Deva as a one-off Spell, while the Infernal Rapier from Wyll can use Planar Ally: Cambion. This should give players three potent allies in the more difficult parts of the game, or even during Honor Mode.

7 Sunbeam (Evocation)

Flashy Targeted Beam Destruction

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (16)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:

CON Save

Players looking for the best combat spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 should consider the sheer devastation brought by Sunbeam. When cast, Sunbeam fires a beam of brilliant light from the sky and onto the ground, Blinding all creatures in its path and damaging them for 6d8 Radiant Damage (or half with at a CON Save).


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Its secondary effect makes Sunbeam more worthwhile compared to its similarly-leveled counterparts. As a Concentration spell, players who just cast Sunbeam can continuously recast the spell once per turn for free across 10 turns, assuming the enemy doesn’t break the player’s concentration.

Best Uses Of Sunbeam

Assuming players manage to find a way to maintain Concentration for longer periods, Sunbeam can be an asset against multiple Undead opponents as well as Vampires. Despite its potential to be recast every turn and its damage output, players are better off reserving Sunbeam via the Blood of Lathander instead of using its 6th-Level Spell variant.

6 Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere (Evocation)

Create A High-Damaging Chilling AOE

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (18)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:

CON Save

Timing is a crucial element in a tactical RPG like Baldur’s Gate 3, especially when players need enemies to do a specific action or meet certain conditions before the party launches their planned attack. This situation makes a spell like Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere a phenomenal 6th-Level spell, as casting the spell is different compared to actually using it as an attack.

Named after a famous Wizard in the Greyhawk campaign setting of D&D, Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere creates a ball of ice that, when thrown, can burst into a chilly explosion of 10d6 Cold Damage. Unlike other spells, players can get more out of Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere due to its CON Save and the fact that players can delay throwing the sphere and allow the party to set up enemies for a disastrous AOE attack.

Best Uses Of Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere

Players can actually use Twinning Spell on the Freezing Sphere to get two copies of the nukes and store them in each of their allies’ inventories. A more flexible variant involves creating the Freezing Spheres in Camp and transferring them to allies during combat. Properly timed switching between characters and resting with items such as Potion of Angelic Slumber can theoretically restore a 6th-Level Spell Slot to make more of the Freezing Spheres for later use.

5 Globe Of Invulnerability (Abjuration)

Protect Allies To Prepare For Counter-Attacks

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (19)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:


Considering how Armor Class is all it would take for an enemy to down player characters in a few attacks, combat in Baldur’s Gate 3 can quickly turn against players who can’t get their defenses in order. For higher-level players who want to secure the team’s protections in deadlier combat, they may want to use Globe of Invulnerability, perhaps the highest-leveled Abjuration spell in the game.

When used, Globe of Invulnerability creates a spherical barrier that lasts for three turns. All creatures and objects inside this barrier are considered Immune to all damage, practically rendering most ranged attacks useless. With the right positioning, this spell should give the party enough time to recover or release their most powerful attacks without worrying about retaliation.

Best Uses Of Globe Of Invulnerability

The largest risk element regarding Globe of Invulnerability would be Spells and instances that can still push players out of the Globe’s radius, which is something that Spells like Thunderwave or even mere explosives can accomplish. If players can find a way out of this caveat, even placing the Globe of Invulnerability at the edge of their caster’s feet should render them Invulnerable despite being “exposed” to the battlefield. Anyone who gets inside can easily be Shoved out, while the caster should still have an opening to launch attacks.

4 Create Undead (Necromancy)

Create Allies Out Of The Dead

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (20)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:


Defeating a powerful enemy in a Baldur's Gate 3 encounter is a sign of relief to players, especially since the mobs that are left for them to fight are likely much weaker than their head honcho. For the Necromancer, however, a powerful enemy’s corpse isn’t only rewarding post-fight. With Create Undead, a corpse on sight is a powerful asset to the team.


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The companions in Baldur's Gate 3 all have their own backstories, and most of them seem to have a tragic and rough past in one way or another.

This 6th-level spell works only on Small to Medium corpses, wherein the Necromancer transforms them into a mummy that players can use as an extra companion. This mummy ally lasts until players take a Long Rest, which is usually set to happen after a difficult encounter where the enemy’s own is turned against them.

Best Uses Of Create Undead

The Ancient Servant that Create Undead summons can be quite powerful, but not flexible enough for any optimized cheesing unless used alongside Spells and other Minions accompanying a full-fledged Necromancer build. Should players get the Crypt Lord Ring, they can get another cast of Create Undead once per Long Rest, which should give players access to another Ancient Servant.

3 Wind Walk (Transmutation)

Secure Party-Wide Stealth

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (22)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:


Sometimes, the best spells aren’t always offensive abilities but rather ones that allow players to survive in the direst of situations. Such an example is Wind Walk, a 6th-level Transmutation spell that transforms the caster and nearby allies into mist clouds. Outside combat, Wind Walk can easily help players bypass guards and hostile territory without wasting too many turns.

However, combat is where Wind Walk shines, especially in cases where players need to retreat. While Wind Walk disables actions, conversations, and spellcasting, the fact that opponents can’t hit players in this form can make this a nifty option when escaping extremely dangerous fights. Wind Walk can become a lifesaver in unexpected boss fights or when a boss fight goes awry.

Best Uses Of Wind Walk

Players in the mood for in-depth exploration should try to check as many walls as possible with Wind Walk, as there are corners and sections in the game that are only passable with the Spell. This should also allow players to bypass puzzles and extremely risky environments.

2 Disintegrate (Transmutation)

Auto-Kill At 0 HP

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (23)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:

DEX Save

Nothing’s worse than getting obliterated into ash, and this is quite literally what Disintegrate does to a target. Considered perhaps the most powerful Transmutation spell, this 6th-level spell launches a thin green ray that deals 10d6+40 Force Damage. Enemies still have a chance of dodging the spell with a Dexterity Save, as failing to do so leaves them wide open for a world of hurt.

What’s worse about Disintegrate is its secondary effect. Opponents who succumb to the Force Damage this spell deals will not just leave a corpse but rather be disintegrated into ash. Only Sorcerers and Wizards can get access to this costly spell, but this can be quite the nuke against hard-hitting bosses.

Best Uses Of Disintegrate

The worst-case scenario for Disintegrate would be enemies consistently hitting their Saves, which is most likely tied to DEX. The main deterrent to this would be a low enough Spell Save DC on the part of the Spellcaster, which can be tricky to raise when countering DEX, which is among the game’s most commonly and easily raised Attributes. As such, it’s ideal for Casters to reach 20 Spellcasting Ability Score by the time they hit Level 8 and try to acquire gear that raises their overall Spell Save DC. Using Spells such as Bane that impose Disadvantage on Saves can also boost the chances of Disintegrate working even on bosses.

1 Heroes’ Feast (Conjuration)

Secure Potent AOE Healing After Combat

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (24)

Casting Time:

1 Action



Requires Concentration:


Saving Throw:


Even the highest ACs can't protect a Baldur's Gate 3 character with low Hit Points, especially when a properly placed attack can kill them in one blow. While Temporary Hit Points act as a “buffer” before decreasing actual Hit Points, players can boost their Hit Point maximum through leveling up or a higher Constitution that fares better in extended combat. Heroes’ Feast temporarily gives everyone the same opportunity.

This spell allows up to 12 guests to partake in a grand feast when cast. This feast not only grants immunity to Poison and cures diseases but also provides a 2d10 increase to Maximum Hit Points for 24 hours. Since the spell boosts Max HP, players can still buff this with Temporary HP spells to increase survivability.

Best Uses Of Heroes’ Feast

A common trick to Heroes’ Feast is using this alongside Aid, as both of them stack. Theoretically, Heroes’ Feast should give 2d10 Temp Hit Points on top of a 5th-Level Aid’s 20 Temp Hit Points. Not only that, the caster of Heroes’ Feast doesn’t need to remain in the party for this to work in combat. Simply have the caster near all the potential party members in Camp that players want the spell to affect, cast the Heroes’ Feast, and indulge before any challenging encounter. Combine this Spell alongside Aid, Freedom of Movement, Longstrider, and Protection From Poison for maximum defensive stacking.

Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (25)
Baldur's Gate 3



Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (30) OpenCritic Reviews
Top Critic Rating:96/100 Critics Recommend:98%
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August 3, 2023
Larian Studios
Baldur's Gate 3: All Level 6 Spells, Ranked (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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